Chapter Seven - The End?

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Hey guys! I'm super excited right now because I just found out about the second season of Attack On Titan!!


I realise that it's been nearly a year since I started this story and I'm very grateful for nearly 5000 reads and (at the time of writing this) 191 votes. You're all really amazing fans and I'm glad you're enjoying this as much as I am!

In other news, I'm really, really sick. I apologise if my writing is dropping in quality but I'm having a hard time right now. I want to update more frequently though, so here we go!

I don't own Attack On Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin


Two years later

The cold wind sliced through my hair and tickled my cheeks as I soared in the air. This wasn't the first time, but every time gave me a thrilling sensation and a fluttering of nervousness in the pit of my stomach. When you watch others do it, it looks easy. But the moment you begin zooming into the sky, you realise the art that's behind the 3DMG.

A little ahead of me, I heard the creaking of a wooden Titan being hoisted upright. A slight smile bloomed onto my face and I aimed my next hook towards the sound.

Before anything else, I saw the shining pink nape waiting for me. Swinging towards it, I gripped my blades tighter as I glided closer.

"Rose! Come on. You wanna be in the Military Police or what?" A voice above me caught my attention, making me look upwards.

Big mistake.

Before I could stop myself, I came crashing into the wooden Titan. The right side of my body throbbed with pain. I dropped down to the ground and a whizzing of 3DMG told me that the distraction had followed.

"Jean, dammit! I could have got that one." I groaned whilst rubbing my shoulder. He laughed, then turned and zoomed away. I sighed. Already my prospects of getting into the Military Police were low and I knew it. With only a few months left of training, it seemed unlikely that I would improve. Jean was staying optimistic though, telling me that there was still time to turn it around.

Pulling myself up with a low branch, I brushed the debris and leaves from my clothes. Clutching my blades tightly in my hands, I rushed upwards. The air sliced through my body, face and hair, making me shiver. I landed haphazardly on a large branch and scanned the area. In the distance I saw a flash of green and silver as other trainees swung through the forest. To my left, I saw a dummy waiting patiently for a pair of sharp blades.

Moving closer, I prepared my blades for the impact. I felt the blades touch the flesh-like material and using all my strength I struck through the nape of the 'titan'.

"Nice one!" I heard from over my shoulder. Jean again. I didn't make the mistake of trying to turn to see him this time and instead continued moving onwards.


Before I knew it, it was time to meet up with everyone else. I entered the meeting point to find everyone discussing how many titans they cut. I swept my gaze across the group until I spotted my brown haired friend. Jean was surrounded by most of the other trainees, so I decided to stay away for the time being.

"Hey Rose. How was it?" I turned to see Mina smiling at me, closely followed by Sasha and Hannah.

"Alright I guess," I replied awkwardly. The three girls looked at each other then patted me on the shoulder as they walked off to join one of the larger groups. Jean spotted me and slipped through the crowd of trainees to stand by my side as Keith administered the instructions for the rest of the day.

We began walking back towards the training camp, our bags and weapons weighing heavily on our backs after a strenuous day of exercise.

"How many titans did you get?" Jean whispered to me whilst keeping his head forward as not to arouse suspicion.

"I.. I uh.." I stammered back, unable to tell him I'd only managed four titans in the hours that we had been there.

"For me, my total was a mere 17. I think I could probably do better." Unbeknownst to him, Jeans boasting saved me from having to answer. For the rest of the way back I walked in silence, listening to Jean.

'What if I can't even graduate? I'll never get into the Military Police. What will Jean say? How will I ever be able to find Samuel and Lily?''

The negative thoughts filled my head as I trudged through the dirt paths through the trees. I sighed. This might be the end.


This was a really short chapter and I'm really sorry!! I just wanted to update and I'll get working on a longer chapter soon!

Thank you all for reading this and I'm forever grateful for all the reads, comments, votes and follows. They really mean a lot! I hope you will continue to read Saviour!


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