Chapter Three - The Rise

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I literally can't stop writing help me

Just kidding! Maybe..

I can't stop writing and the fact that my library has lost a substantial amount of stories that I was enjoying and has lost my place in Perennial Rose (Check that out by the way) So for now I'm just gonna be updating continuously for the next couple days (SORRY)

Anyway I don't own Attack On Titan and if I did then Marco would still be here </3


"They have to be.."

I was pulled upwards by the boy in front of me who dropped my hand to grab my face, his gaze stern.

"Listen. If they didn't get on the boat with you they're gone. Accept it. You can't win against titans. You just gotta get a nice place in the Interior and not have to worry for the rest of your life."

His voice echoed through my ears. Thoughts of a relaxing life inside Wall Sina raced through my mind. Plush furniture with warm banquets and clothes that weren't constantly dirty.

'That would be nice...'

"Can you really get inside the Interior so easily?" I asked him and he smiled confidently.

"Well.. It's not easy, but I'll be able to do it." He laughed, looking down at me as if I was stupid for even asking the question. I grabbed his shirt once again, much to his annoyance.

"How.. How do you get into the Interior?" I looked at him desperately. His laughed again and removed my hands.

"You join the Military Police; of course. You have to be in the top ten in your Trainee Squad. Obviously, I'll be first in mine. Then I'll not have to look at a real titan, never mind fight one." He stepped back from me whilst speaking and thumped his right hand on his chest, bringing his left behind his back. I recognized this to be the military salute.

"Then, if you're first, I'll be second." I replied, mimicking his actions. My words must have shocked him as he broke his stance to look at me for a minute. Then he laughed.

"No way! You won't even survive in the military. You're so scrawny!" He chuckled. This made a small ball of anger appear inside of me. I stepped closer to him.

"I will survive. I just haven't eaten in a while! But when I do I'll go out there and maybe even beat you!" I held my fist in the air, showing my determination. I looked over again at the boy, who smiled at me.

"Okay. Then wait here." He spoke quickly before jogging into his home, shutting the door behind him. I took this chance to look around where I was. It was different in daylight and looked easier to navigate. All of the buildings surrounding me looked the same, including the house I was currently waiting outside. I sat down with my back once again against the boys house to wait for him.

I didn't wait long as soon he returned, holding something wrapped in cloth in his arms. He tossed the package to me and when I caught it, I felt a warmth spread into my arms. I looked at him expectedly and he beckoned for me to open it. When I did, the smell of fresh bread, unlike the old bread I devoured last night, wafted into my nose. It was a still warm, appetizing brown roll. I looked back up at him for permission.

"Yeah, you can eat it." He gestured for me to begin and I did. The bread was soft and filled my mouth with a nutty taste. As I ate, the boy slid down the wall to sit beside me. He watched me eat and passed me a flask filled with water after I had finished. I drank the cool water, feeling refreshed as the liquid slid down my throat. I passed it back to him and he quickly took a swig, not savouring the water as I had done. He put down the flask and turned to me.

"Anyway. I just realized I don't know who you are.." He laughed awkwardly and my eyes widened.

"Oh. I'm Rose. And you are?" I replied, wiping my mouth as I spoke.

"Jean. Jean Kirschtein. I'm twelve, what about you?" His questions persisted, and I replied to them and received answers and stories without even requesting them. He spoke distastefully of his current home and life, which threw my mind back into memories with Samuel and Lily.

'I may never see them again..' I thought to myself, as Jean continued telling me his life story. I stopped listening to him and rested my head on his shoulder, much to his surprise. The sky was beginning to get dark and the temperature was dropping slowly. The hot sun no longer blazed above our heads, but the cold, emotionless moon shone above. It illuminated the streets around us and the people who filled them. Jealousy pricked me as I thought to how they would return tonight to families and warm food. A warm blanket and pillow to sleep...

Jean stirred beside me, causing me to raise my head. He stood up and pulled me up with him.

"I have to go now, my mother will be looking for me." He sighed. I laughed and pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you Jean."

Jean jerked back from my hug in embarrassment. A light blush fell over his cheeks.

"W..Whatever." He spat out. I giggled again and started walking off.

"I'll be back tomorrow. Don't worry!" I threw over my shoulder as I made my way down the long streets of Trost to find somewhere to sleep again for the night.

(One Week Later)

Standing in the small plaza in which refugees were still being fed, I waited for my turn to approach the small wooden stalls. Jean was waiting at the side. I told him I felt bad taking his food all the time, so I went back to relying on the citizens of Wall Rose for food.

I was still in line, when at the corner of my eye I watched as a young boy was beaten and kicked by two Garrison members. Fights happened often here, most of the time it was between the locals and us. Two other kids, a blonde haired boy and a dark haired girl raced out towards him, protecting him.

'He'll be fine then, I guess..'

Finally it was my turn and so I stepped up and a pair of wrinkled hands dropped a stale loaf once again into my awaiting fingers. I had grown used to the taste and texture that normally I would have turned my nose up to. I moved out of the line and made my way over to the tall boy who was growing impatient as he leaned against the wall in the shade.

"That took longer than I expected. I still can't believe you wait in line for something so vile. You were offered some food from my home." Jean complained as I walked up to him. I sighed, but didn't reply. He moved off the wall and grabbed my arm, pulling me with him. 

When we stopped, I recognized the place to be the glistening river which flowed through Humanity's domain. More specifically, the river that I had arrived from hell on. I stopped as horrific memories flashed through my mind. 

A man stood screaming over what looked like just a chunk of the wall, however with a closer inspection a hand was seen poking out from underneath. The river of blood and destruct continued to flow down the street. Titans could be heard, near and far, their blood-curdling roars and never-ending stomping as proof of the gaping hole in the seemingly indestructible wall.

The feel of Samuels hand over mine, dragging me behind him and Lily. His hand was warm but his grip was tense. Reminding me that we weren't just running down the street like every other day. We were running for our lives.



Where are you...?

Oops so it was Jean anyway but yeah no wow I made a Levi Fanfiction and we haven't seen any Levi </3
But he'll surely appear soon. Maybe
Haha oops
Anyway please comment because I'm a terrible author and I really need all the help I can get. Votes and follows are greatly appreciated as well ^^

But anyway I'll see you in the next chapter!!

I updated this chapter a little bit and made it a lot longer.. Sorry!!!

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