Chapter 1: The Group

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It's been a year that I have been working for, The Murderer, or as I just call Murderer. We were now thinking of a plan that wanted Murderer to be a challenge to do, "How about you lure them to a building and kill the victim" I suggested. Murderer nodded in response, "Sure that seems hard enough" Murderer responded looking at the array of tools we made.

The flashbang our oldest and most used, a "chain scythe" as Murderer calls it, made with 2 ice picks from one of out victim's souvenirs, and a blow gun, from that one time I dared Murderer to kill a person underwater waiting for an hour or more. Even I was impressed by that. Murderer set off, as I headed to school.

I arrived at my school and saw my friends, Aries, Taurus, and Pisces,

Aries is a shy person, but is always happy to see me and my friends.

Taurus is always protective of everyone, he is silent and occasionally very stubborn.

And Pisces, Pisces is always skeptical about certain things but soon gets over it.

Aries hugs me. Pisces furrowed a brow, "Something seems wrong.. what is it?" Pisces asked. I rolled my eyes, "What are you talking about. Pisces sighed, "Alright then" Pisces said as we all walked to meet the others.

I then saw Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio,

Aquarius is a person that thinks that they think that are the absolute best at everything and will stop at nothing to get that.

Scorpio is the relaxed person in the group that only reacts if it's necessary, kinda Aquarius' opposite.

And then there is Leo, Who is the most fierce and the best leader of any of us, and is "the boss"

Leo then stopped us in our path, "Hey where are you guys going, hmm?" Leo asked, "Yeah, where ya going?" Scorpio repeated, "Stop copying me!" Leo said hitting Scorpio's head. Aquarius laughed. I rolled my eyes as We walked past them. We then saw Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Cancer.

Virgo is the loyal of any of us and always is your friend no matter what.

Libra is the smartest of the group. Libra is always a step ahead of every body.

Sagittarius is a great thinker but is ocassionally very short tempered.

Cancer is a very relaxed person with no regards for anything at all. Kind of a slacker.

"Hey how are all of you doing?" Virgo asked, "Leo and the others are being jerks again" I said to them, "Oh I haven't noticed" Cancer replied, resting his head at the table we are sitting at, "Why are you sleeping" I asked him, "Sleep over tonight hopefully not gonna fall asleep there" Cancer replied. I nodded in response.Eventually every one was here, especially the Murderer, which is one of the group people here.

"Alright we need to study for our test come on guys go!" Aquarius said, shoving books in our faces. Taurus grabbed the book that was shoved at Taurus, "No.. I don't wanna work for you" as Taurus put the book down. Aquarius fumed, "You will study when I tell you to GOT IT?" Aquarius yelled, "No.. You study.. You learn for once" he said angrily, as Taurus threw a book at Aquarius. Aquarius and Taurus then fought throwing punchs at each other until we all (excluding Scorpio and Cancer and Pisces) grabbed each person and held them so they could stay away from each other. I knew that today was going to be a LONGGGG day.
The bell rang as I ran out of the school and met up with Murderer who acted differently then when usually in group. We walked to the base and asked, "Want to go side by side with me?" Murderer asked, "Sure" I responded. I got to help Murderer all this time, why not now? We then walked to a building and handed me a mask. It was white. I pulled it over my face as we climbed in using the chain scythe and we walked in, "Stay here" said Murderer as I waited for him. I waited until Murderer came back and showed the the Gore fest.

Blood gushed from the victim's mouth and a cut open the stomach spilling out organs and intestines. Along with a big pool of blood. I almost barfed on the body. But Murderer stopped me. Murderer then suggested something, "Triple kill" It was our code word for 3 more people down stairs. My mouth gaped open, we walked down there and sure enough there they were all dead,

Blood gushing from their faces leaving a hole where you could see a part of the in active brain inside. Guts spilled on the floor ruining the beautiful white tile in the kitchen. But something caught my eye and I didn't want to believe it.

I went over to the body where one was in a chair with a.. no it can't be. It absolutely.. can't be..

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