Chapter 6: Mourning

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I sat there crying as Murderer dragged me away. I tried staying but Murderer kept dragging, "Just get over It... I know it's not easy" Murderer muttered as I saw Scorpio's dead body.

We got to the hideout and I found Samuel in tied to the chair, "Water please..." his voice rasped which made me cringe. Murderer got a glass of water and held it to Samuel's mouth and Murderer pulled away, teasing him. Samuel sighed, "Come on" he begged the raspiness even getting to Murderer and poured the water slowly so the boy could drink. He coughed a bit, "Thank you" he said slowly. Murderer then went to the microwave and made some popcorn. Murderer then fed Samuel kernel after kernel of it.

Samuel then sighed as he feel asleep, "Thank you" he said as he drifted to sleep. I then asked if I could I could go home, Murderer accepted as I left, "Can I go?" Samuel asked, "No you're a witness you're not going anywhere" Murderer said. I left and got to my house, I found Taurus at my door step about to ring my door, "Hey" I said, Taurus jumped but smiled, "Oh, hey how are you doing?" Taurus asked. I shrugged, "Eh, nothing much just out for my nightly walk before bed" I made up. Taurus had a concerned face, "You shouldn't walk at this hour of night, especially if there is a Murderer on the loose" Taurus warned. I nodded, "Yeah but it calms me to see to hear the night sounds of silence" I joked. Taurus didn't laugh,

"Well I was just seeing if everyone's fine that's all" Taurus said, "I care a lot for every one, especially you my long time friend" Taurus said, "How many houses have you been to?" I asked, "Well I went to Pisces' house first since Pisces doesn't like being last or not noticed and is fine" Taurus said, "Now I'm here" Taurus finished. I leaned back, "Well I'm here" I said waving my arms like an idiot. He chuckled.

I laughed, we then talked for a bit about our childhood and the ridiculous moments. We then laughed, "And remember the ti-" I got cut of by Taurus kissing me.

I stared wide eyed as I backed away, "What?" Taurus asked. I stood there blushing, "Uhh, what was that?" I asked, "What this?" He asked leaning in. I pushed Taurus away, "Yeah I know what that was but why?" I asked, "Well a kiss is a public display of affection and well... I've known you for a while" Taurus cut off, "You mean..." there was silence for a while as we just sat there, "Don't you like me?" Taurus asked, "Yes but.. ugh this is hard to explain.." I said my head throbbing. I looked at the ground, "Umm, should I go?" Taurus asked, "Hm? No, You can stay for a bit. Just don't do that again now, that's a lot to take in" I said.

I looked up and saw Murderer spying in a tree waving slightly. My eyes widened, "What is it?" Taurus asks, "Nothing... nothing" I said looking away, "I was just admiring the.. moon" I said looking at the sky looking for a moon realizing it was a new moon tonight, "Uhh there is no moon tonight" Taurus said. I mentally slapped myself for not noticing. I then blushed a deep red, "Well I'm imagining a moon alright!? Shut up" I said as Taurus laughed. Taurus smiled at me and I looked away, "Alright you should get home" I said, "Alright, see you tomorrow" Taurus said smiling as Taurus walked away, eyes glued on me, "Pay attention or you're going to get hit by a car" I warned. Taurus turned around after a quick chuckle.

I went inside after getting scolded by my parents. I went to my bed and thought about what I was going to do, "I can't hurt Taurus' feelings but....." I couldn't think of any other reason. I shrugged it off and went to sleep.
I was sitting with Taurus We were in the park as I saw Aries and Virgo back to back on opposite sides of the same tree.

"Hey Saggitauris" Taurus said as, I turned I saw a twisted face smiling back but the smile completely vertical, "Hello.. Taurussss" "Saggitauris" said, spitting black tar as it reached a black slimy arm of gunk. I then shook my head, heading towards the playground as I saw another twisted face asking, "What's the rush" I then turn to see another face, "Hey? Where are ya going?" The face asked, "Home" I said. Another appeared but was way larger, "You're afraid" it said. I was surrounded.

I jumped over the railing to late to see another face, as it grabbed me wrapping it over me. Then all 5 of them surrounded me. I yelled as they dragged me to hole and buried me, trying to scream but the dirt making me unable to do that. I started choking under the 6 feet of dirt trying to breath. I try pushing the dirt but it's to heavy. I started crying silently as the soil got wet.
I woke up breathing heavily. I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. It felt like a drum being pounded on by fucking Godzilla. I panted, my head covered In a cold sweat, I gulped as I got off and shook my head. I did my daily routine and I headed to school. I then arrived and saw Taurus, "Hey" Taurus said smiling, as I looked away, "Hey what's wrong?" Taurus asked, embracing me, "Oh.. just had a nightmare that's all" I said, "Oh ok.. I usually have them too, but not often" Taurus explained, "It helps if your near a bright light" Taurus continued.

I nodded in response, "Thanks maybe I'll try that" I said as I walked to the group table. I saw Aqaurius crying at the table, Capricorn having a conforting grip on the shoulder. I sat down soon after Taurus did as well, "Who.. would do such a thing?" Aquarius asked, "We don't know.. But I have a pl-"
"Shut up Capricorn! You aren't a genius, our genius died and is long gone, if Libra couldn't solve it then you have no chance in saving the rest of us" Aqaurius cut off.

Capricorn sighed, as Capricorn let go of Aqaurius, "Mourning won't help us find the killer it will show weakness. If the killer sees that then he.. or she, not getting rid of options here, will kill the weakest" Capricorn explained. Aries' eyes widened, "But isn't this an "inside job"? I mean they would think ahead right?" Aries asked using air quotes on Inside and Job. Capricorn nodded, "Yes, there is a possibility" Capricorn finished.

Pisces then stood up, "Why not an interrogation? It would help find out who the killer is" Pisces suggested. Capricorn snapped fingers and pointed at Pisces, "Good idea! But I see one flaw" Capricorn suggested.

Everyone leaned in, "What is that?" Virgo asked, "Who's going to be the interrogator? It can't be any of us then it would be unfair" Capricorn explained. I thought, "Hmmm" I thought out loud. Aquarius stared intensely at me, "Have something to say?" Aquarius asked. I held my hands in the air, "What's the problems I'm just thinking out loud" I admited, "Bull Crap!" Aquarius said.

I was then pinned to the wall by Aquarius. I tried to get free but I was stuck in a death grip. I stared in horror at Aqaurius' eyes. Suddenly Aries ran and tackled Aqaurius to the ground, and that was actually impressive. Aqaurius then landed with an "oof" as Aries then saw Aqaurius get up and stare right at Aries. Aquarius then started slowly walking towards Aries. Everyone was staring silently.

Aqaurius then looked down at Aries, since Aries was pretty short, "Why.. did you do that?" Aqaurius asked. There was a brief pause as Aries breathed in and out slowly, "I don't want anyone to die ok? I know the Murderer is here but I'm tired of it!" Aries yelled, "So if you're the Murderer then give yourself up already let this mental torment stop" Aries continues.

Aries then falls to the ground sobing, Virgo quickly running to help. I then saw Aqaurius fall to the ground beside Aries. Aqaurius then looked at Aries slowly, "You're right. Everyone had their share of torment somewhere on the line" Aquarius said. Capricorn nodded. I saw Taurus then help Aries up along with Aquarius, "Yeah, we all need to find a person suitable enough" Virgo said. Capricorn snapped fingers, "How about a police officer, if we know which group the Murderer is in they can spot and catch them" Capricorn explained, "Alright sounds like a plan to me" Pisces said. Capricorn smiled, "Alright it's a plan". Capricorn then headed then left as coincidentally the bell ran to leave.

I then saw Taurus smile at me as Taurus followed me, "What is it?" I asked, "Just wanted to know what you are doing" Taurus said. I shrugged, "I don't know.. sleep I only have about 2 hours of sleep in me" I said. Taurus' eyes widened, "Oh my your practically dead, not that you look like that.." Taurus said being polite. I smiled, "It's fine" I said. Taurus smiled, "Alright see you tomorrow" Taurus said, leaving. I waved goodbye as I arrived at my house. I headed upstairs as I faceplant into my pillow and fall asleep from exhaustion.

Alright there's another chapter done! Anyways sorry I didn't update in a while but school's getting to me. Anyways I'll try and update every week or ASAP around there since I'm not free often, like I was in the summer. I'll try and update every Friday OR Wednesday. Ok, also I want to know who your favourite char. is so far. Anyways I'll see you in the next chapter. -Beast.

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