Chapter 5: Paranoia

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I was in a magical land, where there was no crime or murder. I felt like I belonged here, filled with many magical creatures and animals. I smiled as I saw a squirrel run by, holding an acorn. I even thought it winked at me.. Just barely.

Suddenly I saw a dark cloud come out of nowhere consuming all the land and animals like a plague. I ran as the darkness chased me laughing... that sinister laugh, I held my ears to my head as I tryed to get rid of the laughing. Soon enough the darkness consumed me. I fell crying as skulls in the greenish haze appeared, I closed my eyes but they were still there, "You will never escape" they said.

They repeated it in the same tone and speed driving me to insanity, "SHUT UP!!" I yelled at them. They all looked at me with puzzled looks, "I thought you were our friends?" One asked. It sounded female, "Yeah? Weren't we?" Another asked. It replied in a masculine tone, "You forgot us already DIDN'T YOU?!" Another male said, "No... no I didn't" I stammered, "All of those lies white and false, shame on you..." Another Female said.

I then saw their faces, Cancer, Saggitauris, Leo, Libra. All looking at me in shame.
"Hey!" A voice said, I sprung up and shock as I knocked someone to the ground. I shook my head, I then saw the kid we kidnapped last night, "Why am I here? Where's the Assassin?" The young boy asked. I shrugged as I looked around not seeing my room, "What the hell?" I thought. "Did Murderer drag me here?" I continued thinking.

Suddenly the door opened as I saw Murderer with a key. Murderer grabbed the kid as I followed Murderer to the table, "Why'd you kidnap him?" I asked Murderer, "He's a witness I can't kill a kid while I know he is one. Its different if I don't see them" Murderer explained, tiring the boy in a chair. The boy watched scared shitless, "You didn't have to kidnap him" I explained, "He'll be usefull somehow" Murderer said looking at the boy, in a sinister way.

I then gave up as I left. I hated Murderer but I had to catch Murderer fair and square. By the rules.
I arrived at my school and met up with Taurus. Sitting outside, arms crossed in the cool breeze on a bench. I sat beside Taurus, "Hey" I said, "Hey... how are you?" Taurus asked, "Fine" I said clearing my throat, "Good, because we are all friends you know, I'd never hurt you" Taurus said. I looked at Taurus, "I know that" I said. Taurus has always been protective over every one, especially me.

We both walked inside as we all saw the group there. Capricorn talking to the group, "We need to figure out how to find and single out the killer" Capricorn said, "We know that Capricorn.. it's obvious the killers here, it could be Taurus, Virgo, hell even of all people Aries" Scorpio said in a chair holding the knees by the hands. Scorpio is obviously gonna lose it. Out of all the people., "Okay, we all need to do a lookout today" Capricorn suggested, "No! That's why everybody is dead!" Scorpio said. Aquarius held Scorpio in a comforting hug, "Scorpio's got a point" Aquarius reasoned. Aries nodded, "Why are you siding with Scorpio? Scorpio tyres to kill Taurus and Me! Why isn't Scorpio the Murderer?" Virgo said frustrated, "I was saying Scorpio had a point.."

"So what? He had a knife that got lodged into the wall!" Virgo continued pointing at the wall, where there was now a hole where the knife was. Aries started crying, "I'm sorry I was just.." Aries stopped silently sobbing. Taurus went over to Aries and handed over a tissue, "Thank you Taurus" Aries said wiping the tears away. Virgo stammered but nothing came out as Virgo eventually gave up, "Alright guys.. seriously, lets just calm down. How about a game?" Capricorn asked getting off topic. We all eventually agreed.

We played a quick game of Dungeons and Dragons and we all survived the onslaught. We all cheered and forgot all that was making us sad, Virgo apologized to Aries and Scorpio hugging Aquarius. Taurus then cheered, "Yahoo we won!" Everyone then cheered, "Congratulations.. you won" Capricorn the GM, said. We all had smiles on our faces as We left,

That is, everyone except except Pisces, "What is it?" I asked, "I did practically did nothing.. I didn't do anything" Pisces said, "No You healed all of us during the battle, you're the most important" I explained, "Still.. I feel useless" Pisces continued, "Well, everyone's a hero inside.. even the little things can make a difference" I said. Pisces looked at me, "No.." Pisces denied, "Think about it, if you teach a person how to fight and they defeat the worst person on Earth, you helped" I explained.

"You're to optimistic, you need to find a grip on reality" Pisces said getting up and leaving. I then headed to my house as suddenly I saw Murderer in a nearby tree. Murderer jumped down and met up with me, "You need to get the kid to stay.." Murderer said, "Why should I?" I asked, walking to my house, "Do you really want to know? How about you guess?" Murderer said.
I knew that Muderer would kill me If I didn't listen. I sighed as I followed to the hideout and met with the kid tied in the chair, "Hi, what's your name?" I asked friendly, "Tell me yours first" the boy said slowly, "Shut up, answer the question" Murderer said angry. The boy sighed, "I.. don't like my name" The boy said, "Well spit it out it I'll gut you like a fish" Murderer threatened, "My name's Samuel... I don't like it ok, I sound like I'm older then I really am" the boy said complaining.

Murderer leaned back against a wall, "Finally the prick said it. I've tried for an hour" Murderer continued, "But I di-"

"Oh! Shut up!" Murderer said complaining. I looked at Murderer, "Stop it he's just a child" I said, "Actually I'm not, I'd beg to differ, but here's me saying this in a situation like this" Samuel replied quickly. Murderer looked at Samuel, "I don't really care alright, shut up and help me" Murderer said.

So Murderer was betraying alright, I don't care. But why would Samuel? He just got kidnapped. I left and headed home as Murderer stopped me, "You're coming with me" Murderer said. Suddenly a brown bag went over my head as I was then moved somewhere with Murderer.
We arrived at our destination as Murderer handed me a mask and we then got inside and saw our first victim Murderer then stabbing the unknown bearer of the body with out question. We then went to the next room and saw 2 parents, one's hand near a drawer, Murderer killed the the father as quietly as possible making him yell in pain.

The mother woke up yelling swinging her fists crazily as Murderer sliced her throat, making blood spurt out from it like a crimson fountain. There were quick footsteps up some stairs. As Murderer then hid behind a door pulling me towards where Murderer was as Murderer whacked the person with a club. Murderer put the club away as Murderer then held the knife turning the body to see, "Scorpio... No!" I yelled grabbing Murderer's hands pulling it back but still going down slowly, "Stop.. It.. or.. you'!" Murderer said kicking me away stabbing Scorpio right in the chest.

Scorpio howled in pain as he looked at Murderer, "It's y...." he fell dead on the floor, his swauve black hair getting ruined. I moved back crying as Murderer took the knife and put it away, "I know it's hard but you have to deal with it" Murderer said. I saw Murderer carve the sign Scorpio into his tanned skin. I then had found memories of Scorpio of how he met Aqaurius and became lovers. They don't show it but we know it. They were always together, It was unusual of them to fight or hate each other.

I knew that Aquarius was going to cry for a long.. LONG time.

Hello guys I would also like to add that if you would like to guess who the Murderer's identity is. Comment on this chapter and vote. Thank you. (Also I'll just be updating every week every Friday from now on, In this story)

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