Prolougue: The Murderer

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It was a cool spring day, the breeze blowing gently on the leaves of growing trees, with the light sway making a gentle sound. I was walking through the park, on my way back to my house. It was a completely normal day until, I found one of my friends near a dead body, the corpse bleeding out. I was screamed my friend's name as that same person, the Murderer looked at me. The Murderer clasped hands around my mouth making me shut up.

"You wanna live?" The Murderer whispered to me the same knife against my neck, feeling the serrated spikes on the one side of the hunting knife. I nodded frantically trying to get free. I got the Murderer's hand away from my mouth, "I'll do whatever you want but don't kill me" I cried, tears falling down my face. The Murderer loossened the grip on me, "Anything?" The Murderer asked.

I gulped, "Yes" I said slowly. The Murderer let me go, "Help me" The Murderer replied. My eyes widened, "Why of all things would-"

"Unless..." The Murderer said put his knife near my neck, "Alright Fine!" I replied. The Murderer let me go as I breathed full breaths, not realizing what I have done. The Murderer cleaned the blade, "Let lay down some, ground rules.. 1, you help me, but you aren't there, I ask you how to go about the certain situation. 2, you tell anybody I am the Murderer, I kill you next. And 3..." The Murderer paused waiting for my response, "What?" The Murderer smiled and said, "Have Fun!" I rolled my eyes, the Murderer grabbed my hand and walked somewhere dragging me, "Where are we going?" I asked, "Wait and see" the Murderer replied.
We soon arrived at an old abandoned house near the school me and my friends (including the Murderer) go to. The Murderer opened the door, the loud creak filling the air making me cringe. The Murderer dragged me to a door and unlocked it with a gold key, we then went down into the basement of the house. We then got to the bottom and the was only one light, that swayed around a round table, that had many pictures of people with red Xs over them.

I walked over and saw a picture with no X and saw the same person who died smiling. It almost made me miss the guy. The Murderer crossed out the Picture with red paint. The Murderer pulled a chair out the had ropes around it. I sat down in it, making the ropes behind me, so I couldn't be tricked, "This is our base of Operations, you cannot let anyone in the basement EVER" the Murderer said, as the Murderer gave me a silver key the same shape of the Murderer's.

"Now, I gotta kill this one person, how am I going to do it?" The Murderer asked. I then suggested many ideas until one work, "Uhhhhhh.. Roof jump, smoke bomb and run" I said, the Murderer snapped his fingers, "Yes.. that could work, we need to manufacture an instant smoke making device" Murderer said. That's how it happened, we then decided to make instead a flashbang, using some magnesium and a lighter we stole while no one was looking in science class. And it was a success. After we manufactured tools after tools of helpful killing and escaping tools. That was until one day.

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