Chapter 8: Recovery

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I then wake up in a hospital. Looking around and seeing white every where. I hear the constant beep of a heart monitor seeing that I had wires and things in and/or my arms. I look around and see balloons and flowers near the bed I'm on. I then see Aries walk in and run back to grab Taurus.

Taurus cries in happiness, "Thank goodness you're ok.." Taurus says. I smile, "I know.. I fell like crap though" I said. Aries laughed a bit, "Of course.. just be sure not to stress yourself.." Aries said, as Aries left. Taurus then looked at me smiling, "I got you the balloons" Taurus said pointing to them, "Thanks I appreciate it.." I say smiling, soon after coughing. Taurus then just stares at me, occasionally tears running down the face. I then wonder how every one else is doing, but I knew that I really couldn't do that. I sigh as I lay back to sleep, thinking about if Murderer died in the fire.
I was in my house with my parents not complaining about anything. Just being a nice family. I smile as I eat the fresh bread that my parents made, feeling the warmth of the bread on my lips. I reach for another slice but then see a face, "Think you can escape me? Think again"
I wake up screaming and saw Aquarius fall back and land on the floor in shock. I breathe deeply trying to get rid of the bad dream I had, seeing Aquarius get up, "What the hell was that for?" Aquarius asked. I see Aquarius and see that had dyed hair that was white, I knew that Aquarius usually changes it with any new event,

"I'm sorry, just a bad dream" I explained. Aquarius sighed, "Calm down, it's not like the murderers after you our something.." Aquarius said walking away, "Also I just wanted to check on you, I already lost one of my dearest friends, I wouldn't want to lose another one" Aquarius said. Soon Aquarius walked away, I smiled to my self as I fell asleep.
I'm at a table, eating freshly made bread that my parents made. I bite down and taste the butter melted inside the bread, and savour the flavour smiling again. I then wonder why this seems familiar, as I reach for another slice. I then see another hand grab it, I look up and scream.
I wake up panting again, wondering what time it is. I then notice Pisces in the corner reading a book,"What's up with you?" Pisces said, putting the book down. I sigh as I place my head in my hands, "Just a nightmare is all.." I said again, "Please, nightmares are nothing, they are just things in your head that you're afraid of. I don't have any fears" Pisces explained.

I furrowed a brow thinking how that is possible. I shrug my shoulders, "Well I got a lot of fears" I said, "Well you to change that so you're not emotionally fragile.. you need to be stone cold souless" Pisces finished walking away. I then wish I had a clock so I knew what time it was, there also was no window. As drifted into sleep again.
I was at the table.. eating bread AGAIN?! I got up and left my parents asking where I'm going, "Out" I respond opening the door. I then see that face and curl into a ball crying.
I wake up and see Capricorn holding me down, "Jeez, anymore more of this and you'll have a spasm.." Capricorn joked, hence the chuckle after wards. I sigh, "Damn nightmares, that's all it is and I hate it.." I said angrily, "What do you do to make something go away?" I said to my self outloud,

"That's the question scientists are always asking themselves, how fix we fix this? How do we fix that? It's actually quite funny if you think about it hard enough.. science has a wierd sense of humour don't you think? I remember Libra saying that.. last thing she said to me.." Capricorn said crying a bit, then wiping the tear away.

I thought about it, and it was actually true, Capricorn gave regards and good luck to me then left. I then drifted into slumber, hoping the repetitive bull shit doesn't happen again..
I was sitting at a table WITH BREAD!? I exhaled and went upstairs telling my parents where I was going. I then sat in my room seeing nothing out of the ordinary, then lie down. I then look in a mirror and sigh. "I don't want any more nightmares" I think to my self, "I hate every part of it" I take deep breaths to calm down.

I look out the window, looking at the nice sunset. The sky turns a deep orange colour. I then, take a deep breath and relax as I soon lie down.

Suddenly, I saw the face as I scream
I woke up and punched the air as I felt flesh hit my fists, soon following a groan. I then see Virgo sit up and wipe blood from the nose. Virgo then sighs and says, "They weren't kidding when they meant be careful" Virgo joked. I laughed and soon after apologized, "It's fine, I always got punched by Leo, before.. you know.." Virgo explained.

Virgo then grabbed some tissues and stuck them in the nose, "I guess when people die, they always find a way to tell you that they are there.. That's what I think at least.." Virgo said, "I smiled as I saw Virgo leave.

I soon see a strange man walk in, "Are you the patient in the school fire?" The man asked, I nodded in approval, "Well, I'm gonna have you come with me for a few moments" He said helping me out of the bed, "Why?" I asked, "Well.. That's the mystery isn't?" The man said, walking me to a room.

The man opened the door and I couldn't believe who I saw, it was Murderer.

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