Chapter 4: Suspicion (Part 2)

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I fell asleep actually dreaming, none of the nightmares like the other shitty nights before. It was actually nice to dream nice thoughts, instead of dreaming of hauntings etcetera in my head subconsciously. I woke and did my daily routine then went to school after my parents scolded me about being home after school immediately.

I left and knew I was not going home early. I arrives at the school and saw Taurus at the entrance, "Hey.." Taurus said, gesturing a spot to Taurus' side, "What's up?" I asked. Taurus sighed, "They are acting like I'm a criminal even though I'm not" Taurus explained. I knew that Taurus is NOT the Murderer. Taurus is too honest and kind to be one. Taurus is secretive because it exposes weaknesses, Taurus said one time, "Well I'm not the Murderer either" I explained, "I believe you" Taurus said.

I smiled, "Thank you" I replied. We both went inside as everyone gave me and Taurus looks of shame. I Sat down at the table, "So.. what's the plan today" I asked. The others crossed their arms, except Virgo and Aries who I noticed just looked away. Aquarius then scoffed, "Why should we?" Aquarius said, "Yeah?" Scorpio joined in.

I sighed, "Why don't you trust me and Taurus?" I asked. Capricorn was crieing, "I lost my best friend, I don't want to and... I..just" Capricorn sobbed, Pisces held Capricorn in a comforting embrace. Aries and Virgo went up to me and Taurus, "We think one you are a killer" Virgo whispered yo me, "Eh? What did you say Virgo?" Aquarius asked, "Nothing Aquarius, Virgo said nothing" Aries said quietly.

"Bullshit" Scorpio said walking towards Virgo, "What did you say?" Scorpio asked, grabbing Virgo by the neck of the shirt, "Let Virgo go" Taurus said, "Or what?" Scorpio asked, to soon be moments later tackled out of nowhere by Taurus. Scorpio flew back, dropping Virgo. Virgo got up, "Thanks Taur" Virgo thanked. Taurus nodded in response.

Scorpio got up coughing, "Damn you pack quite a punch" Scorpio began, "What's Scorpio doing?" I thought as he reached in his pocket, "But how about this!" Scorpio yelled as he threw a knife at Taurus. Taurus then moved out of the way and clipped a bit of Taurus' hair off. The knife was then lodged into the wall. Aries, Saggitauris and Pisces gasped. Taurus then stared at him in shock, "Why would you do that? You wanna murder is that it?" Taurus asked Scorpio, "I meant to wound you, not kill you" Scorpio explained. Taurus went to the wall and pulled out the knife, "It was serrated If I tried to pull it out it would hurt me serverly" Taurus said thinking out loud.

I saw Scorpio back away, as every one stared at Scorpio like they did to us at first, "I... I mean, I didn't kill anybody" Scorpio pleaded, "I was going to be next" Virgo said angrily but didn't really sound menacing. Scorpio looked at Aquarius, "Please believe me, you gotta Aquarius" Scorpio pleaded. Aquarius just stared. Scorpio went into a ball grabbing the knees and silently, crying? "That's a first" I thought.

Capricorn then stared as if it was a movie, "Wow. That was surely, what's the word... oh yes dramatic" Capricorn said, eyes widened. Capricorn sighed, "Let's take a break tonight" Capricorn said exhausted. I nodded in response.
School ended as I left and walked back from school. As soon as I reached my door I felt a heavy blow to the back of my head knocking me out before I could even see what's going on.
I woke tied to a chair. I saw Murderer in a black mask, "Put this on" Murderer ordered. Murderer handed me a white mask, "Why sh-"
"JUST PUT THE DAMN MASK ON" Murderer yelled. I put the mask on my face. Murderer freed me from the ropes and we then walked to a house, "Who's H-"
"Shut up" Murderer said climbing the roof of the house. Murderer then lowered a rope for me to climb as I got to the top of the roof where Murderer opened the window. We hopped inside as We heard a noise, "Fucking dogs. Always mess up everything" Murderer said.

I followed Murderer down and we then saw a dog growling at me and Murderer. Murderer then sprayed something making the dog fall on the ground, "What did you spray" I asked, "Sleeping Spray, made it myself" Murderer answered quickly as We walked through the room. In the bed was a person, not dead but still. Murderer then stabbed the blade of the knife on the Victim's head.

"Aha!" A voice yelled. Coming out of the closet, Murderer quickly realizing it was a dummy, Murderer quickly punched the KID?! and then the kid was knocked out. Murderer then covered the kid with a trash bag and carried the kid, "What are you doing?" I asked, "We're taking this kid with us" Murderer concluded carrying the person away. I protested against it but Murderer gave me a death glare. When did Murderer started taking people? It was all a mystery. I then followed him, hoping that Murderer lets the person go. I slowly fell bad for the kid. The kid reminded me of that decision I made long ago.

Alright hope you enjoy, I'll update again next Friday, on the 4th.

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