Chapter 7

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(A/N: So sorry for the procrastination! This was hard for me to write because I was so not motivated...I don't exactly love this chapter but hopefully it's good! Oh and look at how cute Kellin looks in a leather jacket; imagine him like that in this story)

Kellin's POV

The sunlight seeps through my blinds causing me to wake up from my peaceful sleep. I almost feel like I died and came back to life.

I've been slacking in school so I used yesterday to get all of my homework done and worked on extra credit which completely drained any energy I had within me. My parents get annoyingly strict when I don't make good grades and them stressing me out is the last thing I need right now. I guess I spoke too soon because my mom starts calling me from downstairs.

Normally this would seem pretty unimportant right? A mom calling her son down on a Sunday morning isn't exactly a big deal. However, in the "Bostwick" household, Sunday mornings are generally filled with awkward silences, the smell of coffee, and my parents ignoring me until they drown me with questions when I try to leave the house. Having a morning conversation with my parents was out of the ordinary which is why I'm hesitantly walking downstairs.

"Good morning sweetheart, would you like some coffee? I made an extra cup." My mom smiled unusually sweetly and it reminded me of how nice she was when I was younger. It seems like a lot has changed in my life, way more than I thought.

"Um yeah, sure, uh thanks Mom..." I give her a skeptical look hoping she understands my confusion but she doesn't.

"Hey kiddo, want some eggs or something?" My dad chimes from behind his newspaper. Everything feels so abnormally cheesy and it's making my stomach churn.

"I don't eat breakfast, you know that..." I roll my eyes before taking the mug my mom sets in front of me.

"You really should change that, son. You could use a little more meat on those bones." He chuckles and I have to stop myself from cringing. I don't think I'm that skinny, and it shouldn't matter anyways. My size isn't anyone's business. Besides, it's not like I play sports or anything, so bulking up isn't really a requirement for me.

"Did you guys need something from me? Like what's up?" I take a sip of the warm coffee before questioning these people that feel like strangers this morning.

"Honey, it's not like we can't just have a nice morning with our-"

"We should just get this over with don't you think, dear?" My dad sighs before she can finish whatever dumb lie she was starting.

She nods and if I was confused earlier, I sure as hell am even more confused now. What's going on?

"Kellin, your mother and I were talking last night and we started talking about you. We've noticed that we've kind of been lacking in communication lately. We rarely see you because we work so much and then you go hang out with your friends. We've never even met your friends apart from that Vic boy. He was so nice and the two of you got along so well. Whatever happened to him? You should invite him over more." He drones and my face heats up.

"Anyway, we just feel like we should be more uh open with each other. Families do that and we haven't been the best at keeping that up lately. Like for instance, you never told me you're gay, Kellin. Your mom said she talked to you about that last year, but I had no idea. Well I mean there were some times that I thought you might be, but I never knew if you were. Why didn't you ever tell me?"

This has definitely got to be the most embarrassing and uncomfortable moment of my life. The only people that knew about my sexuality were Robin and my mom. I trusted my mom not to tell my dad because I had no idea how he would react. The only reason she found out was because I was talking a little too loudly to Robin on the phone about some good-looking guys I saw at the mall.

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