Chapter 12

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Vic's POV

(A/N: There's a lot of dialogue in this and there's a slight time skip)

"Hey uh thanks for letting me stay for dinner and stuff. That was cool of you." Kellin sweetly mumbles as he finishes helping me wash the dishes.

"No problem. I figured it'd make up for Oli getting in the way earlier." I smile at him and he stares at me for a little.

"What?" I ask him with a laugh.

He says nothing as he tugs on my shirt and pulls me closer to him. Our lips meet quickly and I hold onto the counter behind me to keep my balance. I can tell he's eager and if Mike and my mom weren't home, I wouldn't have hesitated to take him upstairs.

"Kellin..." I breathe against his mouth but it sounds more like "Kevin".

"Baby what are you doing? What are we doing?" I sigh gently pushing him off of me.

"Vic I don't know how many times I can say it. I'm so in love with you and I can't even keep myself from- called me baby." He blushes as he rambles.

I nod slightly before reconnecting our lips. Suddenly it's the only thing that feels right. His warmth pressed up against me feels more like a home than the house I'm standing in. Kissing him gives me this euphoric wave of nostalgia and it's addicting.

But addictions are dangerous.

My thoughts are blurring and overlapping and the only thing I want to focus on is how good he's making me feel. I don't feel lost when I'm with him. I'm tired of pushing him away. I'm tired of listening to other people, I only want to listen to Kellin and his soft breathing and his excited heartbeat that thumps against my own.

"I don't know exactly how we'll get away with it, but I want to at least try. I owe it to you and to myself to at least try to act on these feelings. You give me chills, Quinn." I confess.

"So this means that we're..."

"Dating. You're really cute when you blush. Did you know that?" I peck him on the cheek feeling confident with this spontaneous turn of events.

I don't care what I have to do, I like this boy and I've let him slip away one too many times. I've been selfish haven't I? I lick my lips and taste him. In a matter of a few minutes, he's managed to break me down but maybe Kellin's always had me wrapped around his finger. Maybe we just didn't realize it until now. After all, it was only hours before that I was trying to pretend like there was nothing that I felt between us.

"Awww!" We turn our heads to see my mom squealing from behind the couch.

"I told you!" Mike gloats.

"Uh um I'm just gonna... I'm gonna drive Kellin home..." I try to ignore the awkward feeling and grab my jacket and my keys.

"It was great seeing you again Kellin. Drive safely, sweetie." My mom warmly grins.

"If they can stop kissing for five seconds..." Mike snickers.

I shake my head before grabbing Kellin's hand and dragging him out the door with me. We get into my car and I see him biting his lip out of the corner of my eye.

"I don't know what's gotten into you but I like it. I like it a lot, Vic, I really do."

"I just figured I should stop lying to myself, you know?" I swallow the sudden lump in my throat and start driving towards the south side of town.

We drive in silence for a while. It gives me time to gather my thoughts. I really was tired of ignoring Kellin. I think all those feelings of isolation and feeling lost have started to melt away the more I'm with him. I'm just praying to some higher power that I don't regret this and end up messing everything up. I want this. I know I do. I know now. Now my mind is starting to actually make sense.

"Hey do you think we could stop by the Nightcreeper lot? I haven't really talked to anyone from there in a while. Austin's probably worried." He asks with big puppy dog eyes as if I'd say no.

"Yeah sure I'll just park a little bit out of the way so that they can't see me. I'll wait for you."

I find a nice place to park where I'm unseen by anyone. It's a good spot because I can also hear the echoes of the conversations they're having which will help if anyone gets close to my car. Kellin gets out and I lean against my car door watching as he runs down to talk to his friends.

"Kellin there you are! I've called you like a thousand times today!" I hear a girl's voice exclaim followed by a broken laugh.

"Sorry I was a bit busy today." I smirk to myself hearing that. He was busy with me and that's a good feeling.

"I've got really bad news Kells... Kellin I... I'm moving." The sad voice echoes.

"Into those new loft apartments right? I know you said your parents were looking at those."

"Well yeah they're moving into those... But I'm not. They're sending me away, Kellin. They don't think I should stay here anymore. They said something about this being a bad community for a 'child like me'. You know how they are..."

All is quiet for a moment.

"W-well when are you leaving? When school ends? Next month? When?" Kellin's breathing sounds heavy even from far away.

"Kellin, I'm leaving tomorrow morning. They just told me all of this today. That's why I tried calling you so much... Kellin please don't cry."

My heart drops.

"Robin I love you. I love you so much I don't want you to leave. You've always been there for me and I-... I don't even know what to say."

They're a long distance away but I can see them hugging. I can see that beautiful dark haired boy sobbing into his best friend's shoulder.

"I gotta go. My dad's here, Kellin. God I'm going to miss you so much it's going to kill me." I hear her voice coming closer as Kellin follows her.

"You'll be fine without me ok? You're an amazing person, the whole world will probably love you, Rob." Kellin sniffles.

They approach me and I can see a flash of headlights to my right, must be Robin's dad. Robin freezes when she sees me and glances at Kellin who just smiles widely. They whisper to each other before giggling like 10 year old girls.

Kellin sadly makes his way to my car and gets in the passenger seat. I kiss his forehead before going to follow Robin.

"Hey Robin I know you've got to go but can I talk to you for a quick second?"

"Of course. Anything for the Vic Fuentes." She beams.

"I just wanted to thank you. You finished where I left off with Kellin and I'm very grateful for that. You were there for him when I wasn't and you kept him happy so thank you."

"Kellin's a wonderful person, Vic, and being his best friend is extremely important. I know I made him happy but I know you make him ten times happier than that. Please take care of him, Vic. He needs you. He loves you."

"I think I love him too. I think I might be falling in love with him." I surprise myself by letting the truth leak out of my mouth.

"Make sure he knows that. Goodbye Vic." She smiles before walking to the car waiting for her.

"You know if things were different, the three of us could've been friends. It would've been nice." I tell her with sincerity.

"Yeah, it would've been nice."

A/N: it's 2 AM so sorry if this is crappy writing...

Thank you so much for supporting this story. I've been dealing with a lot lately so thank you for being so patient. Specifically thank you to kellictherapy -kellic kellintoxicated @undeadhobbit @toofabfangirl @ovoxo_emmeily @kellinnquan  for encouraging me! Also tell me how you like Misadventures! What are your favorite songs? I listened to Dive In on repeat while I wrote this ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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