At The End

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Daryl's Perspective:

Leaning on the windowsill, I titled my head outside the window. The wind pounded my face, hitting my skin as I sped up. I had one hand just barely gripping the wheel, the car zig zagging slightly across the road.

"Would you slow down? You're barely payin' attention to the road." Maggie barked, gripping tightly onto the handle above the door.

"What?" I chimed, sarcasm edging my voice. "The cops gonna pull me over? Er perhaps the car in front of me will suddenly stop, and I'll hit 'em?"

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. I didn't mean to be so horrible to her in fact, I felt bad for her. I just couldn't change my attitude or as a matter of fact, myself. I'd always be Daryl William Dixon, the quote on quote "bad-ass redneck with a crossbow". Would I still be given that title when I become a family man?

I'd like to think that I still would be.

For Maggie's sake, I tucked my left arm back in placing both my hands steadily on the wheel. I could hear her sigh. She fumbled around with something in her hand, it turning out to be Glenn's ring.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a bitch. It's just I've been getting real moody lately." she choked suddenly, placing her hand over her mouth. "Pull over!"

Slamming on the brakes, the car jolted to a halt. She darted out of the car, hunching over the ground. I turned away, hearing her begin to puke violently. I cringed hearing her cry and throwing up nearly everything she had to eat.

When she came back, she wiped her mouth and crawled back into the car. Dammit." she sniffled.

"Maggie." Beth wined in a worried tone. "Maggie, what's wrong?"

Maggie turned away, trying to hide her tears. "Last time I made a run, I went to the drug store and grabbed a few tests.."

I looked away, quavering my breath. I buried my face into my palms. God, I knew what she was leading to. I knew what this meant.

"I'm pregnant." she squeaked.

Beth gasps, putting her hand on Maggie's shoulder. "Oh Maggie.."

"I know." Maggie replied. "I'm screwed."

I started to move my hand to the gear. "I'll go back te town fer.."

"No." Maggie demanded. "I'm keeping it. If I end up like Lori, then so be it."

Beth was in tears. "Oh Maggie..."

"Then we need to find medical supplies eventually. Maybe even a doctor." Michonne pointed out. "We want you to live, you and your baby."

Maggie closed her eyes. "Thank you. Now, please...." she murmured. "Let's get back to the prison. I'm done for today."

I grabbed the gears, turning it to D for drive. Back on the road again, I began to speed again. My hands were sternly on the wheel. My eyes were glued to the road and nothing but the road.

Everyone was silent besides the occasional sob coming from Maggie. The news was so hard to comprehend. I think everyone was exhausted, hell I could use a nap right now. Thank god we were heading back to the prison, our home.

I was done for today, too.

Abbey's Perspective:

"Knew you'd be coming here shortly." he laughed darkly.

"You son of a bitch." I clenched my teeth together, my fist still at my sides. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Pickin' on a young girl, taking advantage of her. Then Daryl and I find out you eat people?!"

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