i cant stand bandwagons

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So I know this person, and this person is just. Let's put it this way, I want to shove whatever I have next to me up the persons ass. The reason I hate this person is because they're one of the biggest bandwagons I've ever seen. I cant even begin to explain this persons problem. I listen to bands you know, all of a sudden this person started wearing band Tee's. I have no problem with someone wearing them, but LISTEN to the band. If I see you wearing a band tee and I ask you about the band you better listen or at least know something. The problem is that this person goes to school with me and I cant say anything. I hate it. I will reaveal on thing, this person is a girl. She claims to  listen tobthem all the time. THE BITCH DIDNT START WEARING MERH UNTIL HALF WAY THRPUGH THE SCHOOL YEAR. I was obviously wearing band merch since the beginning. This one day I was wearing my All Time Low shirt and she saw it and tried testing me. She was acting as if I was the band wagon and asking me what my favourite song was. You may be asking what it was that will be shoved up her ass. The answer to that is a book. One other problem i have with her is that she said screaming wasn't music. That's when I popped. You can not say that screaming isn't music unless you know what it means. She claims to listen to bands who scream which proves that she's just the BIGGEST bandwagon ever.

Okay that was my rant lol. Also today's my Birthday! The only reason on happy about today is that I'm pre ordering TABINOF. Like asndkfkglkfl. Today's the dayyyyyyy. Okay humans good bye! And if your not a human them goodbye not human! Oh and lol this is the 69th part of my book

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