So yesterday I had this great idea. I wasted all my money($25.00 more or less) printing Dan and Phil pictures at Walmart. If you dont know what Walmart is then its just a a store cause I don't know what's similar to it. Yeah so let's just say I printed about 84 pictures. I was at the printing thing, as they came out of the printer thing I would kinda fangirl/sqeal. Yeah I'm guessing you could imagine the weird looks I was getting. At some point my mum just walked away. Sometimes I may get a little carried away with Dan/Phil/phan/phangirling. Okay I just decided I wanted to share that with the internet. Goodbye
Acaki have a life(not really) and sometimes i share it with the internet. Here you will find: -regrets I've written about for me to relive -rants -actual thoughts -personal stories -opinions -memes -phan