Home with Family

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Chapter 15!

Roan P.O.V 

I continued to pace back and forth in the living room. My wife looked at me in despair as she held my oldest daughter. The twin were silently sleeping in my parent's bedroom. All the way in the back so they can get their sleep but not to far to where I could not hear them. My mom and everyone else had worry line around there eyes and bags beneath them. The light from the first morning rays now grew into the afternoon and humidity. My brothers paced the backyard and I was standing here feeling guilty. Going to the kitchen I read the digital clock above the stove that said 12:36 in the afternoon. My first thought was,'where are they?'

Grabbing the necessary I needed for coffee down from the self I placed them next to the coffee maker.Putting the pot of coffee on I leaned my back up against the counter and ran my finger through my messy hair once again. My stunning wife came in the kitchen and stepped into my arms. She leaned her head over my heart and sighed as I sighed moments before. "Roan, everything will be alright. Cole will find Missy and bring her back safe and sound. Do not fret some much about it. She is in good hands." She comfortably me.

"I know, its just that I'm so worried about her. She is my sister and me nor my brothers were there when she needed us the most. I've should have been here. None of us should have left you guys alone." I rested my head on her as shame engulfed me.

"It is not not your fault so stop blaming yourself. What happened to all of us probably happened for a reason. Not a very good reason but a reason none the less. You guys needed to go with Cole to see his sister Lizzy. With everything that happened it was the right thing to do. Cole needed to see to it that she got her help and you guys stood by his side. Missy herself was fighting her own battle inside. I saw the way she looked at me holding our twins just before she ran out of the room. She wants children but its hard on her because the doctor said she could never have any. 99% of every girl in the world dream of having a family and kids of their own one day. I did."

What she said hit me and I knew it was true. All my life I heard my sister tell me and my brothers that she wanted what our parents had. A loving relationship and a house full of kids to love and take care of. Me and my brothers would always joke around with her but we all knew that what would make her happy. Looking up I saw my brothers there in the kitchen looking guilty too. They knew just as much as I did and they were forlorn. Stella walked out of my arms and away from my hands and grabbed the readied coffee. She lifted the pot and  began to pour the dark liquid into each cups for every one. She handed one to me and I starred into the dark liquid.

"You guys need to brighten up. Missy and Cole will be back soon." Stella pleaded to us.

Just as we were about to say something to Stella all of our heads shot up and we looked out the window. We could smell Cole and Missy as well as seeing them run in the yard up to the house. Relief filled me and I sighed just as everyone in the the kitchen did. 

"Mom! Dad! They're back!!!" I yelled to them. 

Jason opened the door to allow them in. I saw a flash of white hair and dark hair as they both ran in pass us and into Missy's  old bedrooms to shift and change. And do what ever the needed to do to make themselves presentable.  

Missy P.O.V

The sight of my parent's home came into view as I entered onto their property again. I pushed myself to speed up for I knew I was were I belonged. Pure delight filled me and I ran through the open door. Once I was in my childhood room I shifted back into my human form along with Cole behind me. He closed and locked the door then came and kissed me on the top of my head. I gazed up at him and noticed the smear of dirt on the side of the face. He needed a shower as well as I. I grabbed his much larger hand and lead the way to the bathroom to take a shower.

Turning the water on we both stepped in and let the spray of the water hit us. The cold icy water touched my back and I jumped into Cole and he laughed at me. He reached for the soap and began to lather his hands up. Then he began to was each and every part of my body. When he was done he reached for the shampoo bottle and squeezed some out. He ran his hands through my hair and washed away the dirt out of it. This turned me on but I had to keep my feeling on the down low because there was family downstairs that has excellent hearing. Afterwards he made a quick inspection of me then booted me out of the shower so he could clean up. 

As he did that I searched for something to wear. I found an shirt that I stole from my brother three years ago and put it on and then i put a pair of old shorts on. Looking in the full length mirror I ran my fingers through my wet tangled hair and pulled it back into a ponytail. Doing a once over look I was satisfied with the way I looked and so I went and retrieve something for Cole to wear when he got out. Taking in a deep breath I opened the bedroom door and my my way to were my family were gathered at.

When I reached the bottom step I was quickly embraced and spun around in a circle. I wrapped my arms around my brother's neck and held tightly to him. When he placed me on my feet everyone else came and embraced me as well. I could literally feel the relief in the room. No one said a word to me, they just held me and did not let go. Cole came into the living room and smiled at me. He leaned against the wall and let me have my family reunion. 

"We're so sorry, Missy." Everyone said in union.

I pulled away and asked,"Why are you guys sorry. You guys did nothing wrong. I'm the one who left and I deeply regret it. I just need to be alone. I needed to think."

"We know sweetheart but we were not there when you needed us the most." My mother said to me.

"Cole was there to talk to me after he found me. You guys do not need to blame yourselves or feel guilty that's my job. I fine now. I'm just happy that you guys are not mad at me."

"No we are not mad at you. We were just extremely worried about you. You know you can come to us and talk no matter what. We will listen to you." My dad looked to me and said. 

"I know and that's what Cole said to me also. I am truly, deeply sorry that I caused you guys pain and to worry."

"Do not be. We are just happy to have you back home." They all hugged me again.

My stomach growled and everyone laughed. My mother wen to the kitchen and began to make lunch for all of us. Cole pulled to to the side from everyone and whispered in my ear, "I'm so proud of you mon amour."

"Thank you my love."

He smiled down at me as I understood what he said. My love. "Will you teach me to speak french?"

"Yes, yes I will." he kissed me then lead me to the kitchen.

I watched as my brothers all helped my mother prepare it. My niece came and tugged at the end of my shirt. She reached  her arms up toward me indicating she wanted me to pick her up. As I did she placed a wet sloppy kiss on the side of my face. In her sweet tiny voice she said,"auntie."

I kissed her back and walked to the back where my new niece and nephew were sleeping at. They both were quiet but the rise of there chest going up and down and the beat of their heart in a steady rhythm put me at ease. Looking at all three of them made my heart ache to have one of my own but I knew I had my family to stand by me and help. Running my hand down the side of my nephews face I watched as he reached out to grabbed my finger. He was sure a lively one just like the both of his parents. He had dark brown hair that curled at the ends just like his mother. My heart began to melt and I gave them both a kiss on there soft baby head.

Down in the kitchen I heard my moms sweet laughter, the same one I grew up listening to as a child. I smiled and placed my niece on the bed to sleep. Family. My family was waiting out there for me to come. Having a good time with such elation that I was filled with laughter too. Following their sweet sounds I joined them in kitchen where my mother handed me a steaming plate of food and my mate pulled me into his lap. This is all the medicine I needed in my life and maybe, maybe one day I will have what my brother Roan has with his wife. Kids. 

My Mate is a Panther and I'm a werewolf( Book 2 of My Mate Is.....Series)Where stories live. Discover now