The Twins Arrive

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Chapter 11!

Missy P.O.V

"Missy wake up." Stella was whispering and shaking my arm.

Opening my eyes I croaked out," what's wrong, Stella?"

"My contractions......" She panted out and finished," are three minutes apart."

Sitting up I asked," where are the others?"

"I don't know. Oh my!" A contraction hit her.

Getting out of bed I ran to the bathroom and grabbed some towels. Coming back I placed them by Stella then I went and heated up some water. Arabella started to cry and I went and gave her a bottle. Going back into the kitchen I turned the stove off and took the water into my room.

Stella was drenched in perspiration and I knew the babies were coming. I helped her take her pants off. "Stella, are you ready." I looked up at her and asked.

"Yes. Ohhh!" She screamed out.

"I'm going to need you to push." I said to her.

She began to push and I saw the baby's head. Reaching down there I gently grabbed the head. As she pushed again, more of the baby came out.  After one more push, I held my brand new baby niece in my hands. I took the sterilized scissors and cut the cord. Wiping the little one down I wrapped her in a towel and handed her to Stella.

Stella wasn't done though so I took my niece and placed her to the side. Making sure she was safe from harm. She let out a cry but so did Stella. Going back to her I noticed that already the second baby was coming. "We are almost done. Almost there. I can see the head."

"I need Roan!" She yelled out.

"I know. And I need Cole." I said to her. She gave me a look and I didn't meet her eyes.

Two minutes later I was holding my nephew and listening to his cries. Cutting his cord I wiped him off and wrapped him in a towel. Placing him and his twin sister in Stella's arms I began to cleanup. All the blood and the placentas. Taking away the dirty towels and putting them in the laundry basket. Taking the pot back into the kitchen I cried. I just delivered my niece and nephew and it dawned on me that I will never get to feel the labor pains or feel the joy of having a baby.

The pain in my heart came back harder and faster. Sliding down to the ground I broke. This supposed to be good and a happy day but it wasn't. Not for me anyways. "Missy," The soft voice of my mom called my name," what happened?"

"Stella had her twins." I sobbed out.

Instantly my mother left my side and hurried to Stella. The daughter that she was and I wasn't. Jason came over to me and held me in his arms. "Everything is going to be alright, Missy. Everything is going to be alright." His words were comforting. How is it that everyone is calm and fine with things. I can't do this. I can't be around all these happy and carefree people.

Pulling away from Jason I got up and went outside in the front yard. Then I shifted and began to run. "Missy!" My brother called out to me. Ignoring him I continued to run. Running away from all of this. I doubt they would care if I never came back. They got Stella and two more new bundles joy in the family. 

Hearing the sounds of someone running behind me, I picked up my speed. Dodging trees and people's houses. The train tracks were coming into view and I knew I had to hop on one of them. Leaping into the air I caught one of the train carts. No one was on it but crates. Going behind one of them I shifted and began to cry. Not even caring if I didn't even know where I was going.

Stella P.O.V

"What do you mean she left. She left after helping me deliver my twins without saying anything." I yelled at my brother-n-law.

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