Escape Plan

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Chapter 10!

Cole P.O.V

For what I know hours have passed and owls were out hooting. Thanks to the fact that Roan and them were them were there I was able to sleep. It helped some but I kept on thinking about Missy. Everytime I tried to contact her I kept hitting a blocked wall. She was avoiding my thoughts and I knew it was because I wasn't there to be with her.

Roan and his father were able to get ahold of their wives and check in. They filled me in about how things were going at the house. Missy still was in bed and apparently she stopped crying and fell asleep. It was time we thought of a plan to get out of here and arrest these guys.

Blocking out my surroundings I thought of something. If I can just shift my hands maybe then the cuffs will fall right off. I listen to see if anyone was coming and when I heard nothing I acted on my thoughts. Concentrating hard enough I was able to shift my hands and the cuffs fell off. Yes! Opening my eyes I picked up the cuffs and placed them in my lap. Then I rubbed the soreness out of my wrist.

"Is that all we have to do to get these cuffs off of our wrist?" Roan joked as he and the others did the same thing.

"OK. If this is how Missy did it, how did she get out?" I questioned.

This time I looked around and I studied the place more closely. To the left was the exit and the guards. In front of us were beams and a wall with boxes and a table set against it. And over to the right was another wall. Nothing popped out. If the only out is the exit Missy would have been able to escape. There must be something I'm not seeing or just plain missing. Looking up towards the ceiling I saw the moon light coming through the window.

The window! "That's it!" Excitement filled my voice

"What's it?" Roan asked.

I looked at him and said," the window. The way Missy escaped was by shifting and climbing the metal beams to jump out the window."

"That's a good thought but someone must of been keeping watch." Rick pointed out.

Missy was to careful to get caught. If no one was in the room with her then what did she look for? A few seconds passed and then I thought , cameras! She would have looked for cameras. Looking in every corner and on every surface I searched for any cameras or sound devices. Without seeing anything a plan started to form in my head. This was a job all five of us needed to participate in.

"Ok. This is what we are going to do." We all leaned in," Mr. Rider you are going to sneak out the window and Steve and Rick will go leave there scents up there. You can take a piece of there clothing and run with them outside to make them think all four of you guys escaped. Rick, Steve, and Roan will be in hiding so when my sister's mate and his friends come in we can ambush them.

I will stay were I'm at to make it look like I was to weak to follow you guys. When they come in I will make an excuse to get  them to stall while you guys get them from behind. Then I will help get them tied up with anything we can use. What do you guys think?" I waited to see what they thought of my plan.

"I like it. Let's put it to use."Rick said.

His father shifted and everyone else had a proud look on there face. Mr. Rider took Roan, Steve, and Rick's shirts and went and climbed the beams. He rubbed on some things before he shifted and placed them in his mouth, then jump out the window. Steve and Rick went to hide on the right of the exit behind some boxes and beams, while Roan hid on the left side. They found some dead rats and rate poison to rub in, so they masked their dog scent.

Each one of them had a set of silver cuffs and some strong heavy rope, that they found in boxes, with them. I found a silver rod with a sharp edge on it and hid it behind my back. Then we all lied in wait for them to come. Then it hit me. I hope this plan works and we are able to escape with them in cuff.

Then he came in. He had two of his men with him and they all looked angry. They all walked a little in before they stopped and sniffed the air. "I thought you guys got rid of all the dead rats."

"We did. More must of came and got into the rat poison." One of his friends replied in fear.

He looked at me and asked," where are they?"

I looked at his evil grin and replied back," they jumped out the window."

"Now why would they leave you behind?" His eyes filled with suspicion.

"I was to weak to follow and they were furious at me for letting Missy get murdered and not protecting her. They blame me for what happened." I told him my excuse hoping he believed me.

"Well I sent someone after them but I can really care less. I never wanted them here in the first place. Now I can get back to fulfilling my plan to kill you without having four other bodies to get rid of. The best part is I can frame them for your murder.

He came up to me and swiped a handful of claws a crossed my face. This was when the others jumped out and attacked the two friends that were with this guy.  His friend's shifted but Roan , Rick, and Steve were able to take them down. He on the other hand shifted and went for my neck.

I shifted and body slammed him. His sharp K-9's bit into my hide but I clawed at him and got out of his hold. Making an open wound on his face but he didn't stop. He pinned me on the ground and tore my abdomen open. It began to heal but it caused me to shift back into my human form.

Looking up at him I saw how his eyes turned from a light green to a dark with hatred. His mouth inches away from my face and his claws from my neck. My life flashed before my eyes then I remembered the rod. I grabbed it as his claws sliced through my flesh again.

With the rod tightly in my grasp I placed it between me and him. Then with all the strength I had left I pushed it up through his chest and into his heart. His eyes wider and he fell over. The life just drained out of his eyes as his body went lifeless and limp. Roan came and helped me up.

Mr. Rider came back and took the lifeless body and put in the back of a black SUV. With the three prisoners in cuffs all of us got in and drove down to the Others prison. By time we got there I was healed. We took the prisoners inside and had one of the guards get the lifeless body. Going up to one of the guards I asked," Can you please take me to Elizabeth Cooper."

He nodded his head and said, " this way sir." I followed him down to a desk and asked the lady there to have my sister put in room 210. Then we began to walk again.

"Here we are sir." He opened the door and I went inside.

Sitting at the table with handcuffs on her wrist was my sister. Her face all blotchy and tears streaming down. In her eyes laid pain that I knew will carry with her forever. I killed her mate and now she is suffering. It didn't have to be thus way. Standing in the corner I just watched her.

Turning around I left the room and went to the waiting area. I went up to the front desk and said," My sister Elizabeth Cooper is in interrogation room 210. She can go back to her cell but I will like to wait out here for a while before I go and talk to her."

"Yes, sir. We will get you a shirt and you can wait as long as you want."

Turning around I went and sat down. A guard came out and handed me a new shirt. Putting it on I sat back and thought of what I did. How can I forgive myself for doing this to my sister. Even if my parents were taken away and my mate was injured. Roan and the rest came over to me and sat down.

"Are you okay man." Roan asked me.

"I can't talk to her right now and I can't go to Missy until after I talk to Lizzy." I told them.

"Your sister is hurting and you need to be with her. Even though she is going to hate you for the rest of her life." Rick said.

Glaring at him I said," watch it."

"Sorry. We will wait here with you as long as you want. None of us will go home until you are ready."

So we all sat there and waited. I thought of Missy and then I thought of Lizzy. My sister is going to hate me for the rest of my life. No turning back the clock. "Did we get all of them?"

"Yeah. I guess we can interrogate them while we are here." Roan looked from me to his brothers and father.

My Mate is a Panther and I'm a werewolf( Book 2 of My Mate Is.....Series)Where stories live. Discover now