Chapter 1

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"Joce! Honey wake up! It's your birthday!" I woke up with a jolt. Mom's voice was full of happiness. I smiled and looked at her. "Hi, Momma." "Hi baby girl. How is my 16 year old this morning? Feel any older?" I smiled and shook my head. "No, Mom you ask that question every year." She laughed. "Your favorite food is downstairs calling your name." I smiled big and jumped out of bed. I ran downstairs and saw my dad and older brother waiting for me with big smiles on their faces too. "Good morning Jocelyn!" They screamed with their booming voices. I laughed and gave them both a hug. "Thank you guys." 

After we all had eaten our chocolate chip pancakes and sausages, I went upstairs to get ready for school. I wished I didn't have to go, I only had one friend and everyone else avoided me like the plague. Mainly it was because of the rank my dad held in the pack. He was an omega. I never got why it was such a bad thing. He was always home for his family and we had one of the closest family around. My family wasn't concerned with rank. Mimi was the only other person outside of our family that treated me like family. We grew up together and her family moved into the pack a couple years after I was born. Her father was instantly put into a warrior position. So her family wasn't looked down on as much as mine was.

I finally got to school and headed straight for Mimi's and my meeting place. Since I didn't like to be center of attention I always walked with my head down, because of this I ran into someone. Not only was it someone, but it was the alpha's son. Viktor growled at me and looked down. His eyes got real wide and then filled with disgust. I didn't understand at first then I heard my wolf yell "Mate!"  I gasped in surprise. 

He grabbed my arm really hard. I yelped in pain and surprise. So did my wolf. My mate wasn't supposed to hurt me. He was supposed to love me and care for me and we live happily ever after right? He looked around to see if anybody had seen or was near by. He turned to me and said those words I never thought I would hear. "I, Viktor Deason reject you, Jocelyn Darkwood as my mate. I want nothing to do with you. I don't want to look at you. You bring the werewolf name to shame." I stared at him in shock. So I did what any sane person would say,"I accept the rejection." I could feel the pain burning inside me and I knew he could too. I got what dignity I had and left. I wasn't gonna let him know he broke me. But I knew I had to leave. It was for the best.

I went to Mimi and told her everything and told her my plan. "I'll come with you. I don't want you going by yourself." "Naomi Peters! Don't even think about that! You have a good life here. I'll be back. I just can't be around him right now. Please understand. I'll text, write, e-mail, or whatever you want, but you can't go." She sighed and nodded. "Ok, but if you need me, wherever you are I'll be there. You know what?" "What?" "Take your family. They deserve a better life. Go out there and find yourselves better lives." I smiled with tears in my eyes and gave her a big hug. "I'll see you around." I turned before I could see her cry anymore. It hurt me to see her like that. But  I knew I had to leave for my own good.

I went home with tears in my eyes. Everyone was home. Dean had been out of high school for a year now. He hadn't found a place in the pack so he couldn't do anything. Mom and dad took the day off for my birthday. I walk into the living room and I crashed. Everyone looked alarmed but didn't say anything. I knew they were waiting for me to start, so I took a deep breathe and explained everything. After the story was told. It took quite awhile to calm dad and Dean, but me and mom managed. I told them about my plan to leave. Surprising they all agreed that it was time for them to move on anyways. 

So that night we packed up everything and headed out. We left a note for the alpha saying we left and we weren't coming back. We all shifted and ran as fast and far our legs could carry us. About 4 hours into our trip we could feel the pack trying to get us to come back, but we refused. After crossing the pack boarder there was a piercing howl through the night. It gave me a sense of regret, but there was no going back now. I had made my decision and so had he.

We ran for 2 days straight and finally we stopped. Dad could sense something. It wasn't a good thing either. Dad and Dean circled around me and mom until 5 wolves jumped out at us. "Shift!" A loud and demanding voice said. Dad and Dean did as they said. "State your business Rogue." "I am Harold, This is my son, Dean, my wife Claire, and my daughter Jocelyn." He pointed to each of us. "We have left our pack because of what our ex-alpha did to my daughter. He humiliated her in the worse ways and we decided to leave. The stern looking man soften his eyes. "I'm Asher, I'm the Alpha of this pack. There is Miles, Jared, Will, and Gerry. Jared is my beta. Jared go get these ladies some clothes so they can talk with us too." My dad said thanks and the man named Jared went behind a tree and grabbed clothes. We took them and I went to a tree farther down. I shifted and got into the dress. 

I walked out and stood behind Dean. he stood in a protective stance. Asher glared at my brother, for some reason. Mate! I looked around. Viktor was no where near here or I didn't think so. Asher growled at Dean and moved forward. "Dean, is that your name?" My brother nodded his head. "Dean I need you to step away from your sister." Dean looked at me in confusion. He did as he was told surprisingly. The next thing I knew Asher was holding me. I felt the tingles and gasped. I ripped out of his arms and ran toward my dad.

Asher looked surprised and looked at my dad. He has a look on his face that made me think that he knew what was going on. "Asher, Jocelyn,  I think we should go somewhere private. I would like to talk to you about my family." Asher and I nodded. We followed him and his pack up to the pack house and followed Asher into his office. "Ok, I don't understand, Joce I thought you said Viktor was your mate?" Dean said.  "He was. We had the tingles and the eye contact and my wolf even said mate." "Honey, explain what is happening. It might have to do with your family history." Mom said. "Ok, Asher what do you know of the Darkwoods?" Dad asked. "Our pack has everything on the Royal packs. Why?" "We are part of the Darkwood family. I'm Harold Darkwood, son of William Darkwood. So my daughter is a Darkwood, she has been given a second chance with a mate who will love her." I looked at my dad in awe. How could we be part of a great pack if we were omegas in our old one? "I will explain everything later honey, but right now you need to talk to Asher." I felt his wolf, it was on edge. I nodded. "Harold, I want you to know that you and your family are welcome to stay in the pack house. You aren't an omega anymore. You will be very important to this pack, I promise you." My dad smiled and thanked him. Jared took my family to their rooms while I stayed with my supposed mate.

I looked at him and he smiled big. This is how I wanted things with Viktor to be. I heard Asher growl. "Stop that. He clearly didn't see how lucky he was when he had you. I have you now and you are mine, sweetheart. All mine." My heart fluttered at that. I started tearing up and ran right into his arms. He hugged me and I loved the way it felt. I looked up at him. He had blonde shaggy hair and bright baby blue eyes. He had perfect features. I knew then that I loved him with every fiber of my being. I kissed him. The sparks that I felt when we were touching exploded. My first kiss was everything I imagined it would be. 

We kissed til we couldn't breathe. I signed in content. I smiled up at him and blushed. "What are you blushing for?" "That was my first kiss." He looked at me with big bugled eyes. "You mean you've never been kissed?!" "Nope, I was to low of rank for anyone to care about me." He growled and pulled me into another deep kiss. "You won't ever be treated like that here. If anyone treats you like that I promise you, they won't live that long." I smiled and rolled my eyes. "You don't need to do that, I'll be fine. Oh which reminds me I have to text Mimi. She was my best friend in the Blue Moon pack." He nodded. I texted her letting her know we found somewhere to stay for good and I would go into detail later. She replied with an ok. I looked at Asher and he smiled."Asher, why are you smiling like that?" "First off, I don't like Asher. That name makes me sound like a beach boy. I go by Ash. Second of all, I thought I would never find you. It's been two years since I turned 16. I thought you weren't going to show up." I smiled and caressed his cheek. "I'm here now." We kissed again, showing how much we loved each other.

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