Chapter 13

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It had been a couple weeks since the Coronation. Ash and I finally got the hang of things with the help of my Uncle Kane. He had been on the throne for so long, it was nice to have someone help us along the way. I was now showing a little bit, but not many people knew just yet. We had only just started being the king and queen. Ash had been away a lot more lately and I didn't really see him all that much. There were even more rogue problems now then there ever have been since we accepted our positions. It scared me to think anyone would want to hurt my mate, my twins, and my unborn pup. I didn't want to be one of those girls who would always depend on the men in my life to come a save me if anything were to happen. So against Ash's wishes I finally got my brother to agree to training me. I knew I would have to take it slow since I'm pregnant, but I still want to get the moves down if I would ever need them. 

Dean and I were going to meet in the courtyard for training. I was excited to learn how to fight, but I was still hoping I would never have to use what I would learn. I saw Dean from afar, his back was turned towards me, so I quickly decided to sneak attack. I started running and as soon as I got close enough, Dean turned fast and stop me before I even got to him. He had me in a tight hug. I huffed,"What the heck man? You weren't even looking!" He looked down at me and laughed. "Oh my little sister, the things you have yet to learn." He let me go and I huffed again, this time I stuck my tongue out. "Very mature for a mom." I rolled my eyes. He laughed again and then we started train. He took it slow, knowing that I could only take it so far. We started out just running. I needed to increase my stamina if I was ever going to fight. I didn't want to be in a fight and tire to easily. 

After quite a few laps, Dean and I took and break for 15 minutes and started back up again, this time he decided he was going to teach me hand to hand battling. "OK, you have to keep your eye on the other person's body language, it will tell you what the person is going to do next." We started sparring, I had little knowledge about fighting, but I still knew some of the basics. I kept my eye on Dean, because he was my brother I could read him better then I could probably read a complete stranger. I saw that he was going to go for a punch, I blocked. He went for a kick, then a punch and then he did one of those ninja moves that you see in the movies where the trip their opponent. I was able to block the kick and the punch, but i didn't anticipate his last move, which  ended up being my downfall, literally. Hitting the ground was a more harmful, then I thought it would be. I landed right on my tailbone. "You ok?" "Yea, I'm fine. You gotta teach me that move though!" Dean grinned and we continued.

Dean and I finished up for the day and I was so sore. I groaned out in discomfort and I heard giggling in the hallway. I turned to see my twins looking at me with amusement. "What's so  funny? Huh?"They started giggling again and Xander said,"Uncle Dean beat you!" That busted out laugh and I let out a giggle but then I put a stern look on my face and said,"Oh ya, you guys think that's funny?!" I started stalking up to them and they stopped laughing, I got closer and they tried to put as much distance between us as possible. It was hard to keep a straight face but I kept it. :You guys are gonna pay!" I ran towards them and caught both in my arms. I started to tickle them and they laughed so hard. "I'll show you a beating." I kept tickling them and they kept laughing. I let them go and the stayed in my lap. I was very content on how my life was going. Shay looked at me and asked,"Momma, when is the baby going to come?" "The baby should be here in a few months." Xander then looked at me and said,"Can the baby be a boy?"I laughed at that,"Baby I don't have any control over whether the baby is a boy or a girl." He looked disappointed. "Hey you guys will love the baby regardless on what it is, because this baby already loves you." They both looked at me with wonder and I could see that this baby was going to be well loved by everyone in my family.

As we got inside, the twins ran along to go play in the playroom Ash and I had created for them while I turned to go see if dinner was almost ready. On my way there, I happen to cross Viktor. He looked at me with, well I don't know how he looked at me. It was a face expression I had never seen him have before. It was weird but I just kept walking. I didn't have time for him whatsoever. I walked into the kitchen and I smell the incredible food. the cook was making steak with baked potatoes and green beans. My mouth started to water. I grabbed a water out of the fridge and left. I ran into Viktor again and I huffed. "Stop following me." "I just wanna talk to you." "No, you need to stop trying. It won't ever happen so just leave it alone." I spun on my heel and went the other way.

I went upstairs to avoid anymore confrontation with Viktor. I got into my bedroom and showered. I knew I had to smell from training with Dean. I heard the door open and I saw Ash. It felt like I hadn't seen him in ages, even though it only had been a couple days. I rushed up to him and I embraced him. He embraced me back pulling me tighter against him. I looked up at him and I gave him a kiss. He kissed me back, I pushed into him more and the kiss grew into more that just a kiss. Soon enough we were on top of our bed and clothes went flying off. Everything was how it was supposed to be. I was with my mate and nothing was going to get between us. After we got through expressing how much we missed each other, I looked at Ash and I knew things weren't as perfect as they were a couple seconds ago, I kissed his check and ask,"What wrong?" He looked at me with somber eyes and said, "The war with the rouges has begun."

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