Chapter 3

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The next morning I woke up feeling sick. Ash had his arm around me and I had to fling it off of me so I could run to the bathroom. After I was done puking my guts up I heard,"Babe, you ok?" "Ya, its just morning sickness." He came into the bathroom and I hugged him. He let go and put his hand where our baby was growing. He looked up and smiled. I smiled back and kissed him. "You ready for our morning run?" "Ugh, not really but I have to keep in shape for the baby don't I?" He chuckled and nodded his head. We got ready for our run and headed out.

We ran for about an hour and stopped at the lake I wanted to show him. "This is where dad would take me and Dean during the summer when we were little. He taught us how to swim here and he took us here for our first shift too. He wanted to give us a place that would give us good memories." "Wow, your dad is so cool. My parents never did anything like that for me. I'm glad that your parents never let this pack ruin their lives." "Me too. Viktor's father was awful. I was so relieved when he let Mimi into the pack. Oh that reminds me I have to visit her today." "Sounds good. I get the pleasure of talking to Viktor about pack stuff." "Fun." We laughed and then we swam a little bit.

When we got back I ran into Dean. "Hey big bro, whats up?" "Hey Joce, I just got back from taking a look at Viktor's warriors. There's so much to do before they can even stand up by themselves." "Awesome, that means we will be here forever. I want to be home before the baby is born." "I know sis. I will try my best to get them whipped into shape as soon as I can." I sigh. He pulls me into comforting hug. This is why I love my big brother.

I was so excited to see Mimi. It had been 5 years since I'd seen her and like I said we talked but usually it wasn't for that long. Ash insisted on driving me and me being me, I complied knowing it would make him feel a little more at ease if I let him. He dropped me off and I gave him a quick kiss. I went up to the door and knocked on it. A guy opened it. He looked familiar but I couldn't place a name to a face. "Hi can I help you?" "Yes, I'm Jocelyn, I know Naomi. I'm in town and I wanted to visit her." "Jocelyn! I knew it was you, I just wasn't sure!" I looked at him in confusion. I still couldn't remember who he was. "It's me, Scott Weller." "Oh, Hey Scott. How are you?" "I'm good. Come in. Naomi is in the shower. I'll go get her." He went up the stairs and I looked around. Her house was the way I remembered it . Except I didn't see any sign of her parents anywhere.

"JOCELYN!" The next thing I knew I was in a bone crushing hug. "Hi Mimi, how have you been?" "I've been good. Staying outta trouble, what about you?" I laughed. "Better then ever. " We sat on the couch and started talking. "So why is Scott here with you?" "He's my mate. We found each other about a month after you left." "Oh, well I'm glad that you found your mate." "Me too. He is everything I wanted and more. He has been there for me when I needed him the most." I looked at her in a confused look. "Rogues attacked our.. my pack and they hit us fast and hard. Viktor was still coming to grips that you were really gone and he didn't care about anybody, he let himself go. I guess the rogues thought it would be easy to wipe us out. When they attack, they didn't realize that the warriors weren't about to let any wolf come waltz in and destroy us, they kept training, even though Viktor was being useless. My dad being my dad went into the fight head first, so did mom. They never made it back. We lost at least a hundred that night." I could see her eyes swell with tears. I hugged her tightly. I loved her parents almost as much as I loved mine. I couldn't believe that they were gone.

After the heavy moment she got up and went into the kitchen. I followed. "Want a drink?" I nodded. "Hey, I got some really good news." She looked at me. "Well you know how me and Ash have been together for the last five years?" She nodded. "Well, I'm finally pregnant!" She squealed. "Nuh-uh. Are you serious! Oh my god I'm going to be an Auntie!" "No you're not going to be an aunt." She looked at me, startled. "I want you and Scott to be her god-parents." She gasped. "Of course I'll be her god-mother. Wait her?" "Ya I feel like it's a girl. Ash doesn't believe me but I have to carry her around in my body for the next 3 months so I'll believe what I want." She laughed. "Same old Joce." I laughed too. We kept talking about our everyday life. She was shocked about all the responsibilities as a Luna. "Holy crap, you have to host, cook, clean, and everything else for a pack meeting?!" "Yup, but I love it. Ash helps me out as much as he can. He realizes how full my plate is on those days, so he prepares what he is going to talk about the day before and sets his whole day aside for me." "Aw, how freaking cute. I'm glad you found Ash. He seems better then Viktor." "Oh by far." We giggled. Then Scott came in. "Hey Ash is at the door and is asking for you." I jumped up and took Mimi's hand. "Come meet him." She hesitated. I looked at her confused. "What? He is my mate, he is not going to hurt you." She looked at Scott and he nodded. That was weird. "Hey Jocie, it's time to go, you have to be there for training." I sighed."Alright, well Ash I want you to meet my best friend and the only person who was there for me while I grew up here." Ash looked at Mimi. He bowed to her and said,"Thank you so much for taking care of my angel." She smiled and said,"Your welcome." She bowed back and looked back at Scott. I got another funny feeling.

I looked at Ash and I knew he read my mind. "Mimi, come with me. I don't want to sit there by myself. I'm allowed an extra person, since the other extra person I could bring is actually instructing I want you to come." And with that I pulled her out the door. Scott growled and Ash retaliated. He threaten me and given I was pregnant now was not a good time to go against Ash. "Watch your tone with my Luna, pup." Scott got a hold of himself and said,"Sorry, it's a reaction." He looked at Mimi. "Naomi I want you home by 7." She nodded. I got angry, but I kept it contained. With that Ash and I got into the front and Mimi got in the back. Then we drove to the training area in silence.

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