Chapter 11

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It had only been two days since Viktor arrived. I was still very cautious. I didn't let the twins anywhere near him. He stayed on the opposite side of the house. I was not happy at all. He was too close to my everything! I guess I got too angry because the next thing I know I feel two arms around me. I look up and there was Ash. I saw the look in his eyes and if looks could kill, somebody would've been dead. I hugged him tighter and he reciprocated. I let out a sigh. "How in the world am I supposed to live with someone who has threaten my entire existence?" "Jocie, we will be fine. If you think that I am going to let anything happen to you or to my kids you have little faith in me." I sighed. I felt guilty. "I didn't mean for you to think I don't have faith in you. I love you and I have all the faith in the world for you! I don't trust him. It makes me shudder every time he get near the twins or walks in the hallway near me. I just can't take it." Ash hugged me tight again. "It's ok love. We will be fine we have a year and then he will be out of our lives for good." I sighed. I knew he was right, but I still couldn't shake this feeling. 

That night at dinner, Viktor sat at the opposite side of the table while Ash, the twins, and I sat at the other. Since he got here it had been quiet at meal times. The twins could feel the tension between us three and knew not to say anything. "Your kids are beautiful." I put on a fake smile. "Thanks." He sighed. I knew he was trying hard to impress me with his so called changed attitude, but he would have to do something drastic for that to happen. Jared then burst into the dinning room and gave a startled look at Ash. Ash got up from the table quickly and left the room with Jared. I could hear their footsteps go up to his office. I silently cursed. I was now alone with the one person who crushed everything I was. The twins started to giggle. I looked down at them and they were making funny faces at each other. "What are you guys doing?" They laughed louder and gave me silly faces. I laughed and gave them some back. By then they broken the tension because I no longer noticed his presence. 

After dinner, I put the twins to bed and I went back down to the dinning room to clean up dinner. It was something I always did for the maids, it made their work load easier. Ash was still in the office talking to Jared and apparently Viktor was still in the dinning room. I took a deep breath and I started to clean up. Viktor cleared his throat and I looked at him. "I just wanted to say that you make a wonderful mom." I stayed silent. "Look, I know I screwed up and I missed out on the most perfect person in the world, but I'm really trying to get over you. It's easier said then done. You were supposed to be my forever and always. That doesn't change overnight for me, like it did you." I growled. "You know what Viktor? I wasn't over night for me. I didn't sleep with Ash until we were married, Which was three years. Three whole years that I didn't do that. Do you know hard it is for mates not to mark or sleep with each other. Most mates have that done within a week! Three years Viktor! Even after I was married to Ash, I still cried some nights. In fact to this day, the day that you rejected me, I cry my eyeballs out. I cry in Ash's arms. I cry for the mate I lost to the mate I have right now. Do you know how wrong that is? I'm crying for another man who has ruined my entire existence! I shouldn't have to do that because I was supposed to have only one mate! I don't need you to try and get over me, I need you to get out of life!" I turned and left the room. I told the maid to finish up. I couldn't be in there anymore.

 I walked into Ash's and my bedroom. I laid on Ash's side and started to ball my eyes out. Again I was crying for another man, while I was in love with someone else. I couldn't believe I let him get under my skin again. I hated him. I couldn't stand that man. I heard the door open and Ash walked through the door. He stiffened when he saw me. He growled and said,"I'll kill him." "No, Ash I'm ok. I need to get over this. This is so wrong. I shouldn't be doing this to you. It isn't fair. I love you so much and I know this isn't easy for you." He took off his shirt and his pants, leaving him in only his boxers. He then proceed to make his way to the bed and put me in his lap. "Jocie, I know you had a first mate. I know that he is not dead and is still in love with you, but I also know that you love me. You are the mother of my children and you would walk to the ends of the earth with me. I am not jealous of him. My wolf is, but I am not. He screwed up. He could've been with the most perfect girl in world. But he chose to be a dumb ass. I know that he will always have a little piece of your heart, but I know I have the rest of it." I started crying all over again. I knew this was the perfect time. "Ash, I have something to tell you." He looked at me with curious eyes. I looked at him with pride and said," We are having another pup!" He smiled real big and gave me a tight hug. 

That next morning, the twins woke me up by jumping on the bed. "Momma wake up! It's your big day!" I groaned. "Momma wake up!!" they both screamed. I growled playful and then sprung up. "I caught you my little wolves!" They shrieked and try to squirm out of my hold. I laughed and they did too. I could believe that today was my coronation day and then tomorrow was their birthday party. Tomorrow they were officially turning 4. I couldn't believe it. Everything was happening so fast. 

I got the little munchkins ready for breakfast and we headed down there. When we got down the stairs I heard growling. I told the twins to stay there, while I checked to see what was going on. I turn the corner and Ash and Dean were having a face off with Viktor. "What are you guys doing?!" Ash looked at me and Dean backed down. Ash then came up to me and gave me a big passionate kiss on the lips. My body instantly responses giving him as much as he is giving. I loved that sparks that fly every time we kiss. He broke away to soon and I whined a little. He chuckled and looked at Viktor. "See, she is mine and will never be yours again. Do you understand?" I looked at Ash in confusion. "Asher Lee Blackwell, I am not a prize to be shown off." He cringed at my use of his full name. "Ah, my love that is where you are wrong. You are a prize and I have won you." I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Ash you can't do that, it will push Viktor over the edge and we don't need that." Ash looked at me guilty. he mind linked back,"I know, but still he needs to see that you are mine." I gave him a hug and we stayed like that for a minute or so. When we finally broke apart my brother says,"Man it feels nice to be back into the conversation. I just roll my eyes and mumbled "Butthead."

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