Chapter nine: Washington.

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Chapter nine: Washington.


There were three people sitting by a fire near a white van. They looked like normal, happy people but that could all change by the click of a gun. Like I said, we might as well be watching out for the human beings out here instead of the walkers.

"Should we?" Maggie asked. "It's getting cold."

"I know." I said, rubbing her bare arm to keep her warm.

"It's too late," Noah interrupted, "they have already seen us."

Maggie and I both looked up to see the three people glaring at us and getting their guns loaded up. Two of the them walked up to us while one of them watches over their small camp. I could see them more clearly now that they came closer to us. One man and one woman approached us with their weapons fully loaded.

"Look, we don't want no trouble," I began, "we are only passing through." The guy was more muscular and he had orange hair with an orange mustache while the girl had her black hair in pig tails. They looked like they had been on the road for a very long time and it seemed like they knew exactly what they were doing.

"My name is Abraham and this here is Rosita." He swung his gun around his shoulder. It looked like he trusted us which was a good thing because I had no energy to fight off anyone today. Especially people.

"Uh, I'm Glenn." I smiled and then pointed to Maggie. "This is my wife, Maggie and this here is Noah."

"It's nice to meet y'all." Abraham didn't smile but I could tell he was a nice guy. It reminded me of Daryl. He was a good judge of character.


"If only it was quiet like this all the time." I said to Maggie as we looked over the fields of her fathers farm. "It's like the world hasn't ended."

"And that is the good thing about this farm," she sighed, "it took us a few days to realise that the walkers had taken over. Beth and I were going into town one morning and that's when we saw the first walker of many." When she told me that story, I kept thinking how lucky she was that morning. They might not have known for weeks and then one day, a whole herd of walkers could have come through the farm and they wouldn't have known what to do.They wouldn't have been prepared.

"I might go and feed the chickens." Maggie kissed me on the cheek before heading over to the barn where the chickens lived. I noticed Daryl walk across the field, I assumed he was going out looking for food. He liked to go out hunting for food instead of going on for runs like me. But maybe I would change it up.

I jumped over the fence and headed over to where Daryl walked. "Hey! Wait up!" I yelled after him. He turned around and waited for me as I jogged over to where he stood while my gun was jumping around. "Can I tag along?" I asked as I finally caught up to him.

He adjusted his crossbow over his shoulder and nodded. "Sure, but you gotta keep up." We headed deep into the forest where Daryl began to hunt for food with his crossbow.

I looked around the forest. I hadn't been much of a hunter, I'd much rather go out to a store and find food there. Daryl seemed to know what he was doing so I let him concentrate.

Suddenly, I had a funny feeling that someone was watching us and I was right. We both heard the footsteps of someone approaching us and Daryl spun around and aimed the crossbow at this middle aged man. I aimed my gun towards his head, waiting for Daryl. He knew who were good people and who were bad and that was a good thing to have in a world like this.

And I trusted him.

"Don't step any closer." Daryl snickered.

The man with a scared look in his eyes didn't move as his hands were above his head. "I don't want to cause any trouble."

"Then leave." Daryl said bluntly.

"P-Please," he stuttered, "I need food."

"We don't got any."

I stood beside Daryl and whispered, "he looks harmless."

"Don't be fooled." He whispered back.

The man moved an inch, placing a hand behind his back but before he could reach anything, Daryl shot him in the head with one of his arrows.

I gasped. "Dude, you killed an innocent person!"

Daryl laughed. "He's no innocent person."

He retrieved his bow and stabbed the body again to prevent him turning into a walker. His hands entered his pockets and pulled out a small gun, smirking at me. "He was planning to kill us," he said, keeping the gun. "And what would have happened if it was just you out here?"

I thought about it for a minute and maybe Daryl was right.

*Flashback ends*

"Where are you headed?" Rosita asked, taking out her knife that she got from her back pocket.

"Nowhere in particular." Noah replied.

"Do you want to come with us? We are heading to Washington and we need more people." Abraham said.

"What's in Washington?" Maggie asked.

"A cure," Abraham smiled, "you see that man over there? He is a scientist and he says there is a cure to fix this world."

A smile spread across our faces. "Are you serious?"

"We are," Rosita smiled, "come on." We followed them back to their white van where we met the scientist, Eugene. I didn't care but at the moment, I hugged him. He could be the one to save humanity.

"What's in this cure?" Maggie asked with a smile, drinking a sip of water.

"That information is classified." Eugene said bluntly. Maggie nodded, not saying anything else. I couldn't help but thinking about the others. I wanted to find them and tell them the good news. We couldn't leave them here to suffer as we took a small road trip to Washington.

"Shall we head off then?" Eugene asked and Abraham and Rosita nodded.

"Hold up," I stopped the three of them in their tracks, "we got separated from our group a while back and we wanted to find them."

Abraham laughed. "You think you're going to find them? Ha, we don't have time for that. You're either coming or not and I suggest you come with us because we have company."

I looked behind us and saw a herd of walkers coming our way. "Okay, let's go to Washington." I said as I let Noah and Maggie get in the van. This was their world now and we're just living in it.

Unless we got that cure.

Fighting Walkers - With Love (The Walking Dead, Series two, Maggie & Glenn) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now