Chapter two: Back Into The City.

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Chapter two: Back Into The City.

I had been to the city before to collect supplies. I mean all by myself was fine, I could just get in an out but last time I brought a group of people and we managed to get trapped. That was before I met Maggie. We were running with a whole lot of supplies on our backs and weapons on in our hands and I could feel some walkers trailing behind us, limping slowly as they followed us while moaning for some human flesh. We saw tall buildings that I recognised from last time and my eyes quickly glanced at deserted trees.

The smell of dead corpses was getting stronger as we kept running forward. "Over here!" I yelled as we hid in the forest behind some trees. The moans became louder as we were panting and trying to catch our breaths. Maggie dropped her bag on the muddy ground quietly and looked through it.

She pulled out more bullets for my gun and she pulled out her own gun and placed it behind her. I placed the bullets in my gun and loaded it and I made it click,ready for it to be fired.
I assumed the walkers were behind the tree, Maggie bent down quietly and picked up a few pebbles. She quickly chucked the pebble to her left while behind the tree to distract the walkers. The walkers moved the other side and started tripping over each other to the other side. We waited another few minutes before they were a huge distance away.

"Clear." I told Maggie as we rushed off to the opposite direction.

We kept running until we reached a smashed brick wall. We were currently up against the wall on the left side as a big hole was in the middle. I heard a few moans behind me and I slowly peeked around.

I saw about two walkers circling each other. I sighed with relief as we showed ourselves. They looked up at us and started coming towards us, Maggie stepped in front of me and plunged the knife into the skull of a deadly walker.

Another one came straight for her and it grabbed onto her backpack, moaning for food. "Glenn!" She shouted, signalling for me to come and help her. She took the knife from the first walker as it fell onto the concrete.

"Got it!" I shouted. The walker turned over and looked at me as I kicked it away from Maggie.  It toppled over and fell to the ground. It got itself up as Maggie held it down and stabbed it in its skull. She panted a little, pulling out her knife. I looked behind me and I saw no walkers in sight. For now.

I saw Maggie in front of me, staring up at the tall buildings and then straight ahead. No walkers were in sight, that was a first. It seemed so quiet and peaceful as the trees rustled in the wind and birds chirping. That was how the world was supposed to be, that was how it was supposed to feel.

I walked up to Maggie and checked if she was hurt. "I'm fine," she smiled like nothing ever happened, "where do we go from here?"

I thought about her question, looking up at the clear, blue sky and I sighed. "Let's just get out of the city and find somewhere safe." I answered and she nodded at my answer.

I heard the sounds of our footsteps walking on the stony concrete as we approached a tall building. There were no walkers in sight at the moment and I would like to keep it that way. Maggie placed her knife back in her jean pocket as I hid my gun.

We walked carefully along the road. Old damaged cars were parked along the curve on the road, smashed glass everywhere with blood all over everything. A huge bus was toppled over and on it was on its side as we walked past it. Signs were bent over and everything was rusty, a lot had changed since I last came here.

Maggie picked up a few things along the way. She found a piece of glass, an old book, a pen and a pad paper. She stuffed it all in her bag. "Why did you take all that stuff?" I asked.

She smiled with a shrug. "You never know."

And she was right. We didn't know what would happen in the next few hours, for all we knew, we could be dead.


We found a few walkers on the way but that was taken care of. "I'm starving." I announced as it had been a long, tiring day.

"Here." Maggie chucked me a chocolate bar.

I caught it and started examining it. "Where did you get this?" I asked, unwrapping it and giving her half of the bar.

"Found it at the house we were staying at last night." She said, eating her half. She took my hand as we walked peacefully, leaving the city. We came upon a bridge and we looked down to see the deserted highway filled with damaged cars and a few walkers limping back and fourth.

"Let's go." Maggie said, dragging me away.

She then started laughing to herself. "What?" I asked, smiling.

"I just keep thinking of the funny things Beth did when we were younger." She sadly smiled.

"Share one with me." I said.

"Well, it was the end of Summer and I had to go off to college for the first time, the college was a five hour drive from the farm, "she paused, "and obviously, she didn't want me being away for the first time. At the last day I was packing my things, I went to grab my pack of condoms." She laughed, feeling embarrassed and I laughed with her. We continued walking as she kept telling me the story, I loved her accent. "I put them in my suitcase and went downstairs to collect other important things for my trip and being the nosey sister that she was, she ran upstairs to unpack my suitcase because she didn't want me leaving. So she started unpacking my stuff and found the twenty pack of condoms. Being her age, she wouldn't know what they were for so she opened one and looked at it in disgust and she ran downstairs and called my name. 'Maggie? Maggie.' She shouted. I ran over and I stared at what she was holding. 'What is this for?' She asked and at that moment when she lifted the condom in the air, my dad walked in at the same time." She laughed.

I laughed with her. "Anyways, dad of course flipped out and started yelling at Beth and I while taking the condom away from her and she says, 'Daddy, I was just asking' and I nearly bursted out laughing because I knew what they were for." She stopped laughing and fell into sadness. "I miss her."

"I know." I nodded, squeezing her hand. We were distracted by the heard of walkers coming our way.

"Oh, crap." Maggie said as we turned around and run the opposite direction to see more walkers. "We're screwed."

"No!" I said as I started shooting until I ran out of bullets. We went by the rail of the bridge and held onto each other.

"I love you." She told me.

"I love you, too." I replied as we both held each others hands and closed our eyes. A few seconds later, I reopened my eyes to hear a car honking from a distance, the walkers were close as we both shot up to see a police car hitting walkers are they approached us.

"Get in!" A women yelled and we did just that. We didn't recognise the two police officers, but they saved our lives. We were taken away from the walkers and into a place I've never seen before.

I held onto Maggie and whispered, "everything is going to be alright."

Fighting Walkers - With Love (The Walking Dead, Series two, Maggie & Glenn) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now