Chapter twenty: Reunions In Hell.

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Chapter twenty: Reunions In Hell.

I felt his embrace as he helped me up and he hugged me so tight I could barely breathe. It was just what I needed.

"You're safe," he whispered into my ear, "I thought I lost you."

"I will always find you." I whispered back, stroking my fingers at the back of his neck. I looked straight ahead and I noticed the rest of our group, smiling and then something caught my eye.

"I have someone I need to show you." Glenn said as we pulled apart but I already knew what it was.

"Beth." Tears were wanting to cover my face with happiness. I saw her leaning against a car, grinning in my direction. Daryl urged her to come up to me as she was frozen in her place. She stood up straight and wiped the tears away as I began to run. I ran towards my other half, my sister, my best friend.

"Oh my God!" She flung her arms around me and laughed and cried at the same time. "You're alive!"

I could feel all eyes on us in awe as Beth and I stood still and hugged each other for a while. "You're not hurt?" I asked as we let go and I started checking her for any bites or scratches. Seeing her, feeling her touch and knowing she was alive and safe had truly made me forget that the world had turned to shit. Her blond hair was in a pony tail and she wore a yellow t-shirt and jeans and she still had those boots.

She was really here. Alive, smiling and it was all thanks to Daryl.

"Come on." I said as I linked arms with hers and Glenn soon joined us.

I smiled at Daryl and gave him a huge hug and whispered, "thank you."

He nodded. "She's a good kid."

I hugged everyone else. Noah, Eugene, Rosita and Abraham. Oh, I almost forgot. My eyes searched for Glenn who was standing by Daryl, just staring at me. "You look beautiful." I blushed as I walked towards him and took his hand. I placed it on my stomach and he looked confused. "What is it?"

"I know it's bad timing but I'm pregnant." I told him. Glenn was silent for a while and I couldn't tell what he was thinking. My face was blank as I still didn't know how I felt about this. Everyone was silent as well, it was like we were all sending a prayer to God to help this child. "Say something." I urged as I let go of his hand that dropped to his side.

"We are going to raise this baby," he faintly smiled, "we're having a baby." He gently hugged me but not in the excited way but in a supporting way.

"Thank you." I whispered.

Beth hugged me after and whispered, "we are here for you." I was so lucky to have of these amazing people with us. "What now?" Beth asked as we all stood by a car in the middle of the train tracks.

Glenn cleared his throat and took my hand. "We are heading to Terminus and nothing can stop us now."


We were nearly there, I could feel it. I needed a break, my legs were killing me but we had to keep going. We had to be safe. This was it and after that, it was over. We could stop. I told Glenn about Alexis and how she magically stopped breathing. She helped me, if it wasn't for her then I didn't know if I could have ever gone on knowing that I had a baby on the way.

"Do you think the others will be there?" Beth asked as she walked beside me.

"I hope so." I sighed, thinking of everyone that we lost.

"A few more miles everybody." Glenn announced as we were in front of everyone.

The sun got hotter by the minute as we were all tired and sweating from the heat. I was not thinking about that right now, all I was thinking about was how nervous I was about this place. Something wasn't right and I could feel it in my gut. Or was that the baby? What if everything went wrong and we were back to the beginning again?

No, you can't think like that.

"Guys, look!" Beth pointed to a tall red building that we could see over the trees.

"We gotta run!" Noah yelled frm behind us as a heard of walkers were coming our way.

"Let's just hope that is Terminus." Glenn said as he took my hand and we ran. I heard the others following us and Beth was an inch away from me. Never give up. I hadn't given up yet and my reward was seeing Glenn and my sister again. If I didn't give up this time then my reward was safety and shelter. We could do this.

And we did.

We stopped outside a large building that had Terminus written on it in bold, black letters. The walkers were long gone as we all stopped for breath.

"Come on," I said to everyone, "we are almost there." We headed closer to the building and open a large gate that led around a few corners.

And there it stood. People. Food. Laughter. I was smiling and thanking God for keeping us safe. But, my smile disappeared when they all held up there guns and aimed it at our heads.

"You don't need to worry," Glenn tried to reassure them, "we saw your flyer."

The people didn't respond. Instead, they clicked their guns and a man came towards us, he looked like the leader of this place.

"Drop your weapons," he smirked at us, "and follow me." We all did as he said and followed him as the guns were still pointed at us and he led us to a large shipping container.

"Maggie, what is going on?" Beth whispered to me. But I couldn't answer that.

"Everything is going to be fine." I reassured her but I had my doubts.

"Get in." He said with a smirk. We all piled into the container and the door was shut heavily and darkness surrounded us.

"Hey!" Glenn banged on the door. "Let us out!" But nothing. Not a single word. Just silence and nothing else.


A few hours had past and it was still silent. No words had been said. Guns shots had been heard and people had been screaming from the outside.

"This isn't the place to be," I began, "we were wrong."

"We have to get out." A second after Glenn said that, the door opened. It let the light shine through and we all squinted. We all stayed at the back on the container, huddled together as we saw more footsteps come through. The door closed again and somebody looked familiar as a small amount of light shined on a face.

"Rick?" Glenn said as he stepped forward.

"Glenn." Rick smiled. There was Lori, Carl, Michonne, Carol, Tyreese, Mika, Lizzie and a new born baby. We found them. We had been brought together again and now it was time to kick some ass.


And that's a wrap for this Fighting Walkers series! I hope you enjoyed Maggie and Glenn's story of survival!

There are two more stories that add to this series. One about Beth and Daryl's journey and another Rick and Lori's journey. But the information is on my wattpad profile!

Thanks for reading, voting and commenting! It makes my day!
Much love, Sarah!

Fighting Walkers - With Love (The Walking Dead, Series two, Maggie & Glenn) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now