Chapter three: You Owe Us.

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Chapter three: You Owe Us.

It all went blank from there. I couldn't remember what happened. I shot up from a bed that I slept in. "Maggie?" I shouted and got up. I was in some uniform that I've never seen before. I banged on the door, shouting for Maggie. I walked back as the door opened. "Where's Maggie?" I said as a police officer came in with a doctor.

"She's fine." Was all she said.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"We saved you," she said, "I'm Joan and this is Doctor Harris."

"I need to see my wife." I demanded.

She smiled. "Oh, you're married?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"Come this way," the doctor said as Joan left, "you were nearly eaten alive by a bunch of zombies and then Joan and one of her men saw you two and got you out." He smiled, leading me down a long hallway that looked like a hospital.

I saw Maggie in the cafeteria. "Maggie!" I smiled with joy as she looked over.

She rushed to me and we hugged tightly. "We have to get out of here." She whispered as we sat down.

I looked at her, confused. "What do you mean?"

"We'll talk about this later."

I nodded, grabbing something to eat.

Joan suddenly appeared. "I suppose you two want to share a room?"

We both nodded. "Thanks." I said. She smiled, leaving with Doctor Harris.

"This place isn't what it seems to be," Maggie began, "I mean sure, it's shelter and everything but they won't let us leave. They think we owe them for saving us." She paused to eat a mouthful of food.

"It's okay, once we finish we should talk to Joan and tell her that we will be on our way." I reassured her.

She nodded. "Okay, I'm glad you're alright."

I took her soft hand. "Same goes for you."

Once we finished our meals, we left the cafeteria to go find Joan. "Excuse me," Maggie asked a lady who was cleaning the floor, "do you know where Joan is?"

The lady pointed straight ahead. "Her office is the fourth on the right." She smiled.

"Thanks." Maggie said. We left and entered Joan's large office, it had cabinet files and photographs with medals hanging all around, it even had a workout machine. There was a large desk centred in the middle with work files everywhere. Maggie knocked on the door. "Hello?" Maggie said as Joan looked up from her desk.


"We want to thank you for your hospitality but we need to be on our way." I smiled.

"No can do, you owe us." She frowned.

"Yes and thank you but you can't keep up here, we need to find our people." I said, hoping she would agree.

She shook her head. "No, this is your home now. You'll both be getting jobs to do around here," she said, "now please close the door on your way out."

I frowned and closed the door. "It's okay, we will get out of here." I reassured Maggie.

She nodded, hugging me and sobbing. "I sure hope so."


We had been assigned jobs at this hospital, Maggie and I had been separated. She worked for Joan and I just cleaned the floors. They couldn't let us stay here, we had to get out of here and I was going to find out how.

"You missed a spot." An older police officer laughed, eating a sandwich as he walked past.

"Jerk." I whispered but not quiet enough.

"What was that, Asian boy?" He turned around, looking furious as he took the last bite of his sandwich.

"Nothing." I said, ignoring his glares and cleaning the floor.

"You better watch yourself, boy." He said angrily as he walked off. I sighed with relief, I really thought that guy was going to punch me. Instead of cleaning, I decided to look around to see if there were any escape roots. I looked in every room, down the hall and I noticed that all the windows were bolted up but we wouldn't get out of here alive. This building was twenty feet high.

"Move out of the way!" I heard Doctor Harris shout as I jumped out of their way because they were pushing a stechter down the hall and into an empty room. I moved closer and poked my head through, watching as they tried to save a women. "I need an IV line!" The doctor shouted, hooking up this unknown person with a machine.

Before I was seen, I pretended I was actually cleaning when I discovered people walking out of this basement. I started forgetting about the lady that had been hurt. People were dressed in the same unform as I was. They looked disgusted as they left and closed the door behind them. It appeared to be locked as I tried to open it.

I wondered how Maggie was doing.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I assumed all the keys were in Joan's office. I saw heaps of drawers and cabinets so there had to be something that could help us escape. Maggie had to be the one to get the keys as she helped Joan out most of the day. I needed to speak to her tonight when we were all alone in our room.

And I hoped that was soon because I missed my wife already.


It had been a few hours now and the sun was beginning is go down and the air was beginning to get cold. I finished my cleaning job and headed into our room waiting for Maggie, she should be finished soon. I was correct as she walked in looking tired and drained.

"Hard day?" I asked as she sat on the bed with me.

"You have no idea." She sighed as we both lied down on the double bed.

"This women never stops working, shes crazy." Maggie told me.

I felt sorry for her. "I have a plan." I said, hoping that would cheer her up. She smiled. "We only have one shot," I continued, "you need to get the key to the basement as I'll find our supplies and weapons."

"Okay, where would this key be?" She asked.

"In Joan's office."

She sighed. "But she's always in there." she mentioned as I tried to think.

"Distract her, they bring injured people in all the time." I told her.

"Okay, I'll try," she paused, "let's just sleep for now." She said as the room began to fall dark.

"Okay, sweet dreams." I kissed her on the forehead.

"I love you." She said as she drifted off to sleep.

"I love you too." I whispered as we lied in each others arms. I would protect Maggie's with my life, even if I died in the process.


Thank you all so much for reading and voting!

I'm sure you have all noticed that the story line is similar to Beth's situation in Season five of The Walking Dead! I thought it would be interesting to put Maggie and Glenn in that situation.

Thanks again!
Much love, Sarah!

Fighting Walkers - With Love (The Walking Dead, Series two, Maggie & Glenn) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now