Chapter twelve: Back To Where We Came From.

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Chapter twelve: Back To Where We Came From.

"Glenn!" Was all I managed to scream as Abraham's fist connected with Glenn's face. And I knew that Glenn wasn't going to stop.

Glenn got himself up and wiped the blood off of his nose. "I'm fine, Maggie. Just stand back, it's going to get ugly." He punched Abraham back, hitting him right in the nose and I was pretty sure it was broken.

"Abraham!" Rosita helped him up and brung him as close as she could towards her. "You need to stop." He gently pushed her out of the way and headed over to Glenn who looked ready for anything but Rosita stepped in front of both of them again. I decided to jump in and look Glenn in the eye. I stroked under his eye where the bruise was and I could instantly see that he had calmed down.

"When I look at you, I don't know what I'm doing." He told me.

I chuckled quietly. "Good." I didn't know about Abraham but I knew Glenn had calmed down, thank God. I didn't know if I could look at Glenn with a beat up face like last time, it brung tears to my eyes.

"We shouldn't be fighting like this," I said to everyone as it fells silent, "we are supposed to be a team."

Rosita still stood in front of Abraham, trying to fix his nose. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me." Abraham said in an annoyed and angry tone, making us all turn to his direction. He was looking at the van and our heads turned to where he was looking. Oil leaked out of the van at the bottom, making us all groan. That was our only ride and it didn't look like we were heading to Washington anytime soon.

I guess that was a good thing. Beth was the only thing on my mind, I had to find her. I was supposed to protect her as the duty of a big sister, she was so young. I wanted her to have a good life, not growing up in a world like this.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm heading that way." I pointed to the direction where we came from, hoping that Glenn agreed.

"Yeah, Washington seems like a bad idea since we have no car or protection." Glenn agreed, making me sigh with relief. I knew he would agree, he was that type of person and he knew what my goals were.

"Okay, we will head that way until we find a car and then we are going to Washington." Rosita said to Eugene and Abraham, hoping they would agree.

"Okay." Eugene said, heading back into the van to grab a few essentials. Abraham didn't say anything, he just stood and stared straight ahead. It must be frustrating for him, he was trying so hard to get to Washington and his plan was falling apart. Eugene came back seconds later with the bag of guns and the limited food and water we had, plus the stuff we retrieved from the gas station. And it didn't look like Abraham and Rosita got anything from there, not even gas.

We all got our backpacks and loaded up for our long journey back to where we came from. Glenn, Noah and I walked in front while the others were behind us, fully loaded with weapons. I didn't know where we were headed but it better bring us some luck. Because that is was all we needed right now.


"Walker!" Glenn shouted as the thing came out from all the trees, moaning for anything to keep it going. I always wondered what the walkers were thinking. Food or the flesh from humans? What made them so attracted to us? But if we put some walker blood on us, they didn't notice us. I guess that was a good trick to use when you're out of bullets and all you could do was run.

I remembered Michonne telling me that was how she survived for so long. She had two walkers on a chain that she walked around with and she survived. If only that was easy but it was a crazy idea. I knew Glenn wouldn't agree with it but if we had nothing else then I would use that strategy. I was not leaving Beth or Glenn in a world like this. I used to be a believer in God but now that had all crumbled away. He took my dad away from me, He took my sister and He could take my life if he really wanted to. I always wondered why this happened to us. We were good people who didn't deserve this.

Snapping me out of my thoughts, Noah stabbed the walker in the skull before it bit him. My thoughts trailed back to my family and how I was the only one alive in this. I still didn't know about Beth but maybe I had given up hope, maybe my hope was lost when I lost my sister.

"There doesn't seem to be anything here." Eugene pointed out. Abraham seemed anxious about not going to Washington and that was understandable. He wanted this world back again like everybody else but what if there wasn't a cure? What if nothing could fix this?

Then we were all screwed.


"You made us walk all of this way for nothing!" Abraham yelled at Glenn as we had come to a stop. "There hasn't been any sign of anything for miles."

"We just need to walk a little more and find a place to crash for a little while." Glenn tried to reassure him but it didn't seem to be working as well as he hoped.

"We could have been half way to Washington by now!" He yelled in rage while dropping all of his stuff onto the road.

"Guys, stop!" Rosita cut in but, nobody listened.

I sighed heavily as I was sick of their arguing. More yelling happened and in a matter of seconds, Eugene began to get scared. "Guys, walkers can most likely hear you." He shivered as I sat myself on the road next to Noah.

"Does it look like I give a shit, Eugene?" Abraham snapped, making Eugene back off.

"That's enough," Glenn said in an angry tone, "you will get to Washington and get that cure, okay?"

"Not at this rate." He mumbled.

Abraham walked up to Glenn and just as he was about to say something else, Eugene cut in. "There is no cure," he swallowed, "I lied."

Like I said, we were all screwed.

Fighting Walkers - With Love (The Walking Dead, Series two, Maggie & Glenn) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now