Chapter thirteen: Lies and Memories.

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Chapter thirteen: Lies and Memories.

There was no cure. What were we going to do now? How were we going to keep surviving in a world like this? How were we going to do it?

We were so screwed.

"What do you mean there's no cure?" Glenn asked as we could hear the cicadas in the distance.

"He lied." I whispered as I was still on the ground, looking at Eugene and studying him. He was looking from Abraham and then back to Glenn who stood still in shock. We all thought we had a chance. We all thought we could make it in this world. We had a chance to take back this world again but now it was all gone. All the hope was gone. It was lost and we would never find it again. Not after this.

"You bastard!" Abraham yelled, storming up to Eugene and punching him right in the jaw, making Eugene fall back. Rosita pulled Abraham back, leaving Eugene on the floor.

I got myself up to check on Eugene. Even though I was mad and furious and all of these other emotions surrounding me, he was still human. I looked over him, covering the sun that was blinding him. "Why?"

I waited for an answer which he finally gave us. "I wanted someplace safe and Washington was the place to go." He seemed scared while telling us his reasons but that didn't excuse him for giving us false hope. Which we had all lost now.

"So you decide to lie?" I frowned, feeling angry.

This couldn't be happening. But it was.

"Glenn?" My bottom lip began to quiver. "What are we going to do now?"

He came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my delicate body, making the warmth between us heat up. "Hey." He whispered as he wiped my hair to the side and started kissing the back of my neck. "We are going to survive this, together."

A single tear left my cheek as I nodded. "We should find Beth before it's too late."

"Yes," he whispered, "that is what we are going to do."

"Okay." I whispered back. Eugene still lied on the floor, not getting up. Noah stood behind us as the silence rippled throughout our small group. Nobody hadn't said anything for a while and we were lucky that no walkers had come across us because I didn't know if this group could handle something like that. Not now anyway.

But the walkers didn't care, I thought to myself.

Glenn pulled out a map that he picked up at the gas station and began to read it. "We need to move," Glenn announced, "according to this map, there is a car dealer place in the nearest town. There should be cars there."

I sighed with relief, that was exactly what we needed to get on the road again. "Anyone is welcome to join us." I said, getting my bag sorted to walk to the car dealership.

"I'm in." Noah said as he stood by me, in front of the others.

Glenn closed the map and stood next to me, hand in hand. "You three coming?" He asked the others.

"Well, there isn't anywhere else to go." Rosita said bluntly while hoisting her bag up onto her shoulders and walking nearer to us. "Abraham?" Rosita asked as Eugene got himself up, it looked like he was joining us too.

"Fine," he murmured, "let's go."



"Beth, give me my phone back!" I yelled in rage as I chased my sister around the house.

"Aw, who is Donny?" She laughed from the living room. "Daddy is going to be so mad!"

"Beth, I swear-"

"What is going on in here?" Our dad, Hershel Greene, came through the door, looking sweaty and tired from working in the farm.

"Beth stole my phone and I need that before I go back to college tomorrow." I complained.

"Bethy?" Dad yelled but in a softer tone. "Give your sister back her phone." I prayed that Beth didn't spill the beans about Donny, my new bad boy of a boyfriend. He really knew how to rock my body right. My dad better not find out about this. He still thought of me as his little girl but Beth should be his little girl, not me.

"But daddy," Beth chuckled, "I was just having some fun."

"There is a limit to how far fun can go." Dad said as Beth showed herself with my phone. She was eighteen and yet she acted like a child and that was what I loved about her.

Beth giggled and handed me back my cell phone which I checked my messages. It was a message from Donny, a picture actually. It was of his abs and I couldn't help but blush but laughed because Beth saw it and nearly dropped me in the shit with our father.

"Don't worry," she came up to me and whispered, "I won't kiss and tell."

The front door suddenly bursted open. It was my stepmother who looked scared and helpless. "Something isn't right," she exclaimed, "the world has ended!" And that was when I took my car to town and discovered what we were up against.

*Flashback ends*

We finally reached the car dealership place with no walkers in sight. Until we all went around the corner to find a heard circling around each other, behind a large fence gate.

"Dammit." Glenn whispered, trying to think of a way to get around them.

"There's gotta be another way." Eugene whispered as we all decided to hide behind some trees at the back of a store.

"If we head in the store itself then we can get a pretty clear view and maybe find some useful weapons to get them away from this place." Glenn said to everyone. Abraham had been quiet the whole time, he still looked pissed. And I didn't blame him.

I thought out my sister again. Everyday I remembered her like I saw her yesterday. It melted my heart that I may never see her again. I hoped she was someplace safe with good food and water and I hoped she was warm and protected.

Beth, if your out there, I just wanted to let you know that I will find you and I love you very much. Please don't leave me just yet, just wait a little longer and I will find you soon enough. I will find you, Beth and nothing is going to stop me.

Fighting Walkers - With Love (The Walking Dead, Series two, Maggie & Glenn) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now