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Why did everyone always lie to him? Why did mum and dad always tell him he was special, and wonderful, when he was younger? The only things Phil Lester can trust are the demons in his head. His world just isn't what it used to be. It was once a joyful place of puppies and cupcakes. The demons were always there, they were just concealing themselves, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Most people are lucky enough to go their whole lives without the demons making an appearance, but not Phil.

When Phil was 5 years old, he used to get beat up on the playground. They would punch him in the gut, and call him a gaylord, or a fag. Before he even understood the concept of sexual orientation, they harassed him for it. And that's what triggered the demons. They ravaged Phil's mind, leaving behind not a speck of the joy that used to be. But he was afraid to tell anyone. Every time he almost did, they shut him up. They'd echo the things the kids said on the playground. They'd tell Phil that the kids were obviously right. He was a freak.

They wouldn't let him sleep at night, either. Sometimes when he was especially desperate, Phil would pray to God, even though he never really believed in him. But it never worked. Plus, the voices would just tell him he was being selfish, and that God had better people to help.

By far the worst thing about these monsters, though, was that they were not just demons. They were Phil. They would use his own voice to tell him awful things. They would use his own mind to harass him. So, Phil .always hated himself.

When Phil was around 10, his parents and teachers started to notice that he always acted a bit strange. He had horrible grades in school, and never participated. Every time he raised his hand even the slightest bit to answer a question, Phil would flinch, and look like he was about to cry. So his parents decided to have him meet with a psychologist once a week.

He was diagnosed with severe depression and insomnia. Phil never really thought of it with those terms though. It was just awful bullies inside his head.

Over the years, they deteriorated Phil's mind. Slowly but surely, they built themselves up until he cracked. He fought through the battles blindly. His psychologist never helped much. She could just never understand exactly what was happening in Phil's mind. And neither could Phil. The monsters were unpredictable, and they never made any sense.

When he was about AGE, they finally succeeded. Phil couldn't take anything anymore. Nothing was going to get better. He didn't know how to fight off the demons. He hated himself, and decided there was no point in living anymore.

Yesterday, June 11th, YEAR, Phil jumped from his second floor bedroom window. And survived.

This is my friend Leo's chapter. He was taking forever to send me an authors note and I got impatient... Love ya Leo.

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