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That morning when the nurse came in to take Dan and Phil's vitals she found them curled up together, snoring gently.

With wide brown eyes she hurried away, flushed red. She marched straight through the cafeteria to the nursing station. It was around six am, and the other nurses were blearily eyed. They tiredly filled out paper work and arranged morning medication.

"Dan and Phil are sleeping together." The nurse stated when she made it to the off limited a offices. Heads snapped up from their work and stared at the carmel skinned women in confusion.

"What do you mean sleeping together?" A nameless face asked, eye brows furrowed in confusion. She had nearly white hair that was cut into a perfect pixie cut.

"I just found them together...." She spluttered, frowning.

"Go finish the vitals up." Someone said. "Well discuss this later."

The nurse nodded, leaving the group to it. She hurried away, but the discussion went on behind her back.

Luckily a certain green eyed male with a mop of curly hair was heading to the showers for an early morning wash, and managed to hear a few words of what they said.

"I never thought...."

"Didn't know they were gay."

"Maybe it's platonic."

"What do we do?"

"Separate them."

"But I bet they make a great couple!"

"Against the rules."

"Phil's leaving soon anyways."

"Then just leave them alone. Oh to be young a in love."

* * *

Pj rushed back to his room, his shower forgotten. A huge smile was plastered on his face, and he was nearly running.

"Chris!" He yelled to the mass of blankets and sheets on the bed. Pj received a tired groan in response. "Wake up!" He gently shook the bed, his messy curls falling in his brown eyes. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

"What?" Chris moaned, pulling his duvet around himself even more, just poking his head out.

"Dan and Phil slept together!"

"They had sex?!" Chris suddenly threw the blankets off, sitting up, his eyes wide. It was as if he had drunken an extra large coffee in the last five seconds.

"No no no." Pj said quickly, before back tracking. "Well I don't think so anyways...."

"Give me all the details!" Chris said hungrily and the other male sighed.

"I don't really know any.... I just over heard some nurses." Pj said shyly and sat on Chris's bed, dipping his head slightly. Fear had all of a sudden reached out and gripped his heart, squeezing.

He wished he could just reach over and kiss chris. With his heart sinking, pj realized he was jealous. And oh boy did it hurt. It stung more then a bee sting.The brown eyed boy gently lifted his friends head, smiling softly.

"Hey what's up?" Pj suddenly bursts into tears, curling into a little ball and hiding his head in his knees. He refused to speak the words that were spinning in his mind and let the tears fall.

"Woah..." Chris whispered, hugging the boy. "Calm down Pj! You're okay!"

Pj lifted his head and quickly forced a smile on his face. "I'm okay."

* * *

Dan watched Phil sleep, taking in his beautiful features. His blue eyes were closed gently and his skin looked like porcelain. Dan carefully traced his finger down the boys cold skin, sighing.

Phil was perfect. He was amazing. He didn't deserve to be in the hospital with some crazy boy who talked to the people in his head.

With a sinking feeling in his gut Dan realized that for the first time in years the voices hadn't woken him up. Instead he was aloud to take his sweet time and enjoy his sleep. He wasn't even that tired, just slightly sleepy.

He smiled and kissed Phil's cheek, making the boy wake up. "Hi." Dan whispered, beaming.

"Why are you so happy?" The blue eyed male asked, his voice husky. Dan would be lying if he said it didn't turn him on a little bit.

"Because I woke up next to you." Phil flushed bright red, and hid his face in his hands, causing Dan to chuckle. The younger male planted a wet one on his boyfriends cheek, giggling at the disgusted look on Phil's face.

"Ewww!" The blue haired male pushed Dan, perhaps I little too much and the boy fell from the bed, bringing the covers with him. Phil burst out laughing, causing the younger boy to roll his eyes in annoyance before standing up.

"C'mon we are gonna be late for breakfast." Dan said. "And I don't think even Pj will be able to skip this meal."

* * *

"Pancake day!" Chris sang, smiling brightly at the food that was in front of him. "My favorite day!" Phil rolled his eyes, happy he had chosen to wear is pancake tee shirt that morning.

"You're already on your third." Pj pointed out, twirling his fork absentmindedly.

"And I'm still starving."

Dan happily took a bite of his food, content to just sit their and listen to his friends as they socialized. He had already taken his assortment of morning meds and was feeling pretty great. Perhaps even happy. But the feelings didn't last long, and completely disappeared when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Dan turned around, setting down his plastic fork which still had the pancake speared on it.

"H-dodie?!" He gasped, nearly falling out of his seat. Phil gave his boyfriend a nervous look.

"You okay Dan?"

"N-never better." He replied not too convincingly and jumped up, taking the girls elbow and hurrying towards the corner of the room, ignoring the stares from his friends.

"You need to leave." Dan spat at Dodie, who squinted her green eyes at the boy.

"Excuse me?" She asked pointedly, standing her ground.

"Please." Dan begged. "Please not now. Not ever."

"What the fu-"

Dan clenched his fists in angry. "Leave!" He yelled. "Go away! You're not real!" He felt tears gather in his eyes, the pain raw and fresh. Dan missed the girl he had met at the hospital, but knew she was a just a figment of his imagination, nothing more nothing less.

"What does that mean?" Dodie asked slowly, taking a step back. "Y-you don't think I'm real?" Dan nodded, sniffling.

Hurt and broken trust blazed in Dodies eyes. She took another three steps back, letting out a shaky breath, before deciding to stand her ground.

"Now wait just a minute!" She squeaked. "Go ask any of your friends over their! Ask them if I'm real."


"No buts. CHRIS!" Dodie screamed, and the brown haired boy jumped up, hurrying to Dans side.


"I'm real right?"

"Well of course." Chris said, confused. He bite his lip, trying to figure out whatever was going on but dodie just smiled triumphantly.


Sorry this chapter is shit.

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