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Phil was convinced that the kiss was just one of those spur of the moment things. He didn't think much of it, other then the fact that he helped his room mate calm down and prove to him that he was indeed real.

Dan on the other hand was instantly infatuated with Phil. He had never been kissed until that day when the older boy pressed his lips against the small boys, snapping him back to the real world.

At the moment he was pretending to read, but instead he was thinking of the kiss. It bounced around his head and made him insanely happy, a permeant smile on his chapped lips.

Phil was sleeping now, snoring lightly. His eye brows were furrowed together and it looked like he was having a nightmare. Dan slipped out from his bed and padded over to the sleeping boy. Gently he pressed a kiss to Phil's forehead and watched as his entire face relaxed. The younger boy smiled proudly, and grabbed the chair from the desk, making sure to be quite.

He pulled it right up next to Phil's bed, looking over him. He was still shivering and Dan fixed the blankets so that they covered him up more, awing gently. Then he laced his fingers with Phil's. They fit together like puzzle pieces.

Phil pretended to be asleep, but in all actuality he was silently realizing what he had done and what the after math was.

Sure Dan was cute and he had the most adorable smile Phil had ever seen, but he wasn't so sure he liked the boy like that. Plus Dan was almost....scary. When Phil found out his room mate was schizophrenic he couldn't help but get the chills. The boy seemed like a wonderful person, but Phil didn't know what went on in his head. He could never understand.

Dan ran his nimble fingers through Phil's hair, and the older male couldn't help but lean into the soothing touch, a warm feeling spreading through his gut when he heard the brown eyed male laugh.

"Dan..." Phil breathed out gently, keeping his eyes closed. He still felt sick, but less so at the moment.

"Yeah?" Dan asked gently, rubbing his thumb down Phil's cheek bone.


"Shhh Phil, just sleep." And he did.

When Phil woke up Dan was gone, and for that he was grateful. He didn't know how the boy would react and he sure as hell didn't know what he would say. This whole situation was hell. you're so stupid for kissing him the demons whispered. He ran a hand down his face, shivering. His stomach ache had gone away, but his head pounded uncomfortably.

He quickly took the pills the doctors had given him. He let them slip down his throat dry, causing him to gag slightly, but in a few minutes his head started to only ache, allowing him to think clearer.

Phil wasn't sure if he liked Dan the way the younger boy probably did. He couldn't even remember if the kiss was real. His mind had been drowning in pain pills and anti depressants at that time.

Groaning he sat up and slipped his legs out of bed. Phil sorted out his fringe, and bundled up under his sweatshirt before venturing out into the hallway.

He was headed towards Chris and Pj's room, sniffling the whole way down the empty hall way.

When he reached their room he gently knocked on the door, despite the fact that their were no locks and waited patiently.

Pj answered, and Phil saw a sick Chris curled up under his duvet, groaning in pain.

"Food poising." Pj said curtly, and Phil nodded his head in understanding.

"Got me too."

"Sorry mate." Pj patted his friends back and let him in. "One perk of never eating is you can't get sick from food."

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