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Dans room mate was... Well... gorgeous. His black hair feel against his forehead in the perfect wavey fringe and his dull blue eyes scanned the room that he would now be staying in. He looked disappointed. And Dan couldn't tell if it was because of him, or because the off white curtains didn't match the walls. It was probably neither but his mind assumed the worst anyways. It always had ever since he was a small child.

The doctor and his new room mate were busily conversing, but Dan tuned them out. All that mattered at the moment was how adorable the stranger looked in the fox sweater that was slightly too big for him. It hung around his wrists, blocking his hands from few. He looked warm, adorable and comfy. Like a teddy bear, ready for a cuddle but their was no mistaking the broken look in his dull blue eyes. Dan knew that look all to well.

"Alright phil." The doctor said, a huge cheesy smile on his face. "Get settled and then Dan here can give you a tour."

"H-hey-" Dan started to say in defiance, but the doctor had already left the room, hurrying on his way to a more important patient. Most of the emergency room doctors were like that. They didn't understand the "moody" teenagers and figured they were just doing it for attention. Dan had once heard the story of a girl who had her self inflicted wound stitched up with no anastasia. Now dan was left on his own, to show this new kid around. Figured.

"Um hi." Phil muttered shly, looking down at the younger boy. That's when Dan saw the black and blue marks, and cuts that littered his body. They looked fresh and painful. Some dried blood was on his pale lips. For some reason everything about this kid screamed vampire.

maybe he is a vampire the voices taunted. here to put you out of your misery. he's gonna bite a huge chunk out of your neck and the warm blood will slowly trickle down your chest.

"Hi." Dan said curtly, looking up at the boy from where he sat comfortable on his bed.For some reason the voices in his head were suddenly silent at the moment. As if they had just been cut off.

A moment of awkward silence weighed on the two boys, and Phil shuffled his feet, looking anywhere but at Dan.

"Aren't you suppose to give me a tour?" He finally asked, and Dan nodded sheepishly, pushing himself up from his way to comfortable bed. He shuddered from the instant gust of wind that traveled down his bare wrists.

"Yeah....yeah sorry c'mon." Dan let Phil lead him from the room, before jumping in front of him and staring the tour. In all honestly he was shocked he was even given a room mate. Generally a psychopathic, schizophrenic kid wasn't given a room mate. Instead he was given a bed with restraints and a handful of pills. That wasn't the best christmas for Dan, but that's another story for another time.

He lead phil down the hall, right to the cafeteria. The cafeteria then lead to a few different hallways.

"This is um...we eat here." Dan muttered, looking about the bland room. He saw the table were he and dodie had eaten breakfast and smiled to himself. They didn't have lunch together, but he planned to eat dinner with her tonight. Phil nodded, taking it all in.

"The hall way were were just in was the boys dorm." Dan pointed to the hallway across the room. "That's the girls dorm. The rest of the hallways lead to therapy rooms and class rooms." Dan let out a deep shuddering breath. "I'll show the way to your class when that starts, but it's Friday and Saturday and Sunday's are free days."

"Free days?" The older male asked timidly. He looked scared and unsure of his surroundings. Dan wanted to hug him, but it was against the rules. Any human contact was, but people rarely paid attention to that demand.

"Yeah. Only one therapy session and we get to choose."

"Get to choose?" Phil asked and cocked his head to the side, hair falling in front of his dull blue eyes. His voice was more monotone then expressive. It was utterly emotionless.

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