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Phil woke up in the middle of the night with an aching tummy. He groaned and curled into a little ball, his head pounding. The blue eyed male felt like complete and utter shit.

The only thing that calmed him down was the sweet snores coming from dans bed. Usually he wouldn't be able to stand that sound, but it sounded adorable coming from Dan for some reason.

Suddenly he had such a bad pain attack his abdomen he couldn't breath, and Phil dug his nails into his fleshy palm in order to distract himself from the pain. He cried out, tears prickling his eyes and stumbled to his feet, trembling.

Scared and not wanting to wake Dan up he ran from the room towards the cafeteria. Luckily a few lights were on and a janitor was cleaning up.

"Son you okay?" The guy asked. He was slightly over weight and had a scruffy beard. In one hand he had a broom but in the other he reached for a walkie talkie.

"Noo." Phil groaned and squeezed his eyes shut. "I think... I think I'm gonna puke." He shivered and doubled over in pain. The stranger was on his walkie talkie now, asking for a doctor or a nurse to hurry over to the mental ward.

As Phil saw a short girl with even shorter blonde hair run towards him, he puked and passed out.

* * *

Dan woke up the next morning with a pounding head ache. He kept his eyes closed for a little while, praying that when he opened them phil would be in the bed next to him, or silently getting dressed.

Of course that was just wishful thinking and he felt his heart sink. With a sigh Dan got dressed, throwing on his red sweatshirt and black jeans. Once he was all bundled up he left his room trudging towards the cafeteria.

But what he saw their was ten times worse then the lack of Phil in his room.

Pj and Dodie were happily talking to each other, smiling and laughing at something unknown. The later leaned her head back, clutching her stomach and shaking her head at the boy in front of her.

Bile climbed up Dans throat, and he refused to even acknowledge the two kids. Instead he decided to be strong and got himself a bowl of cereal, sitting as far away from them as possible.

it's just you and me again dan

He ignored Dodie as she waved him over and ignored the disappointed look on Pj's face as he left his bagel uneaten.

it was cute of you to think you could make friends

He ignored Chris when he walked in, looking pale and sick. His hair stuck to his forehead due to the sweat that dripped down his face and from where he sat Dan could tell the boy was shivering.

/they aren't real. none of them are real/

The browned eyed male quickly shoved the rest of his cereal down his throat before rushing to his room despite the fact he had multiple therapy groups and school today.

He nearly ran down the hall way, and threw open the door, doing a double take at what he saw.

Phil was sitting on his bed, bundled up in a green sweatshirt, leaning over a trash can as if he was about to throw up.

"Hi." The elder boy groaned. Dan's brown eyes widened and his pulse started to pick up. It felt like someone was trying to choke him and he could barley get air to his lungs.

you're so pathetic

Dan started to scratch at his wrists, and ignored Phil, grabbing a book from his bed side table and flipping it open. His eyes scanned the page, but took nothing in. Dan was to busy trying to calm himself down.

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