Alpha Male

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~~Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice or its characters. I only own Tylie, Aurora and other parts from my storyline. You know what those things are~~

We are still in recovery from Red's little family reunion. Leaguers were discussing things and helping rebuild, the team was still processing it all and I was healing my teammates. As I was trying to heal Kid Flash, I noticed Green Arrow place a bowl of pretzels on the table. Silently offering it to us.

"Thanks, but no thanks," Kid muttered, looking away from the treat. 

"Hold still, besides we deserve an explanation. " I spoke. 

"Yeah, what's the deal with Red Tornado and his freaky siblings?" Robin demanded.

Green Arrow shrugged and went to take the bowl, but Kid Flash stopped him. 

"Leave the bowl." he muttered, while taking a few of the pretzels in his mouth. 

"Hold still for a few more seconds then you can attack the pretzel bowl." I stated to which he complied for the time I needed. I got up and looked to see who I still needed to heal. I already healed Robin, Miss Martian, Aqualad, Superboy, now I just had Artemis. I noticed her staring at the table, looking upset. I stood next to her and began to focus my energy causing my hands to glow a beautiful white. "Are you okay Artemis?" 

"I'm fine." the archer sighed, rubbing her head. "Still...a little shaken up, but I'm fine..." she reassured me after noticing the doubtful look I gave her. 

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." Miss Martian assured her, rubbing her back as she joined us. I finished up and decided to let Miss M handle her.

I needed to regulate my energy so I sent a telepathic message to Aurora to come out her with one of the fruits I bought from the Navitian underground. As I was walking I heard most troubling thing. I ran to the source of it only to be beaten by my Kryptonian friend.

"You knew!" Superboy shouted as he grabbed Aqualad by his shirt glaring at him. At first I was shocked and hurt, but that was pushed aside by my anger. "That android and his crazy family nearly killed M'gann!" he growled. 

"Not to mention the rest of us!" I spat noting the shock in the Atlantean's face.

"Conner!" Miss Martian gasped, flying over to us. "What are you doing? Let go of him!"

"Kaldur knew there was a traitor among us and said nothing!" Superboy shouted. 

"You knew!?" Robin asked in shock. 

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Kid Flash demanded.

"I was protecting the team from-" Aqualad started. 

"From what? Knowing that there was a traitor among us could have saved our lives!" Artemis said in anger cutting off the Atlantean.

"Enough." Batman called. Superboy let go of Aqualad and faced the masked man. The team gathered around each other, staring at the Dark Knight. "With Red Tornado...missing, you will get a new supervisor, in rotations. Captain Marvel has volunteered to be the first." Batman informed us. 

"I'm really looking forward to hanging with you guys." Captain Marvel said with a smile.

"Once I'm done with Red Tornado, you and I will..." Batman walked forward, cutting off the Kryptonian's threat to the Atlantean. 

"Red Tornado is a member of the Justice League. He is a league responsibility. You will leave him to us." Batman ordered lowly. "Meanwhile, I have another mission for this team." A screen was pulled up, showing the front page of a newspaper.

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