Allies Part 3

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The smoke began to clear around us. Subtly, Mummy Girl and I got into fighting positions. As it cleared, my friends and teammates came into view.

"There they are!" one of the hunters shouted gaining everyone's attention. The team moved closer to us and had Mira, now Reflect, create a shield around us. 

"We are glad you are safe." Aqualad spoke on everyone's behalf. 

"None of us will be unless we stop them." I state.

"Then we'll fight them." Superboy responded. 

"We can't they've lost a lot of energy. They need to get out of here." Reflect argued. 

"No, I'm not abandoning you all." I retort. 

"You and I are losing energy by the minute and we are still attached together. We'd only slow them down." Mummy Girl reasoned.

"Is that what I think it is?" Artemis questioned readying an arrow aimed at the shadow walker. 

"Now is not the time to get into this." I respond. 

"The tech needed to remove the cuffs is on the bio-ship, along with medical supplies." Robin pointed out. 

"Masquerade, you two will head to the bio-ship with Robin, Miss Martian and Kid Flash. The rest of us will stay behind to apprehend the hunters." Aqualad ordered as everyone nodded while I did so reluctantly. Miss Martian used her telekinesis and camouflage mode to sneak us out as the shield was released just as KF ran with Robin. Soon we landed to regroup. 

"Everyone good?" Robin questioned earning nods despite Mummy Girl and me feeling less than good with our energy draining. "Good then let's head-" a blast shot out nearly hitting us.

"You won't get way that easily!" a voice shouted as more shots rang out. We instantly took cover. 

"How did this one slip by?"

"I think the number of Navitians in the area are attracting more hunters." I reasoned. 

"Rob, any bright ideas?" Kid Flash asked.

"We need to get those two to the bio-ship. Miss M think you can take them the rest of the way while we distract this guy?" The boy wonder stated. The Martian girl nodded as she grabbed our hands going into camouflage mode. We quickly left the scene.

"How much farther do we need to go?" Mummy Girl questioned irritated from the fading energy. 

"Not too far. We should be getting closer." Miss M replied. As we continued to walk on I heard movement around us. 

"We've got company." I whispered. 

"We're close, but I don't think we're close enough to make it to the bio-ship to make a break for it."

"Miss Martian if we continue in this direction will we reach the bio-ship?" I asked a plan already formulating. 

"Yes, but why do you need to-"

"I need you to shape-shift into me and lead them a different direction while we go to the ship." She gives me a look just as she is about to protest. "Please, it's our only chance. We will be useless in a fight. You have to do this."

"Fine." She reluctatnly transformed into me. "Be careful." Mummy Girl and I waited until it was silent once more before continuing on.

As we walked to the bio-ship, we remained alert waiting for anything to happen. We cleared a tree branch from our path. Finally, we saw a large clearing and in the middle of it stood the bio-ship. We shared a look knowing we would soon be free. Walking on I heard a twig snap. 

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