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Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice

~~~~~Blaine's POV~~~~~

Since I arrived to the headquarters of the team Tylie is on, her condition has gotten better. A short while after I helped her a member of the Justice League, named Black Canary approached me and told me I could pick an empty room to sleep in. I thanked her as I went to one and once my belongings were sent to me I changed from my costume to jeans, sneakers and a baseball style t-shirt with green sleeves.

I decided to explore after having been here for a day now without searching my new surroundings. I wandered out into the hallway and continued on passing each room noting only a few were occupied. I arrived in the kitchen and decided to grab a piece of fruit to snack on.

Leaving the kitchen behind I passed a room with a large television in it. After a while I arrived in the training room judging from the fact that Robin was sparring with the Atlantean male that was the last one to leave my sister's side.
'I might have to do something about that'

I stood off to the side and observed the fight. Points were given and taken away from the two as they moved, dodging and jumping out of the way of attacks. The opponents jumped apart and smiled, nodding to each other as the training simulation ended. 

"Impressive." I told the younger males as I walked up to them.

"Thank you." the Atlantean responded a little thrown back. 

"Yeah thanks. I was wondering when you'd make your way out here." Robin stated. 

"I thought now would be the best time and I haven't been properly introduced to everyone." I said.

"Then let me do the intros. Kaldur, I'd like you to meet Blaine Clements aka Fire Dragon aka Tylie's older brother. Blaine, this is Kaldur'ahm aka Kaldur aka Aqualad." Kaldur held his hand out to me which I grabbed and shook. 'So that's his name.' Just as this was going on through the corner of my eye I noticed the Martian and Kryptonian enter the room with a giant wolf trailing behind them. 

"You know that they're a couple right?" Robin smirked as he turned to the older boy.

"I believe I knew before they did." Kaldur answered. 

"An unusual couple." I commented aloud. The blonde girl and red-haired boy walked in, approaching us. 

"Do we tell them?" the boy wonder asked. I shook my head slowly against it. 

"It is not our place to do so." Kaldur told him. 

"Okay, if Zatara is our babysitter, why is he still here? And why is he eating my snacks?" the boy grumbled, pointing at the Justice League member known as Captain Marvel.'He is obviously not the brightest member of the team'

"Recognized Batman" the computer announced. 

"Computer, national news." he ordered. A holoscreen appeared showing a news feed of a blonde woman named Cat Grant. 

"The first attack was short lived, but Metropolis was only granted a short break." she announced. The screen changed to show video footage of vines wrapping around a building, squeezing it until it collapsed. "And despite the intervention from Superman and the Justice League, it doesn't look like this will end anytime soon." the women finished.'It can't be?'

"Are we going out to help?" Robin asked. 

"No, the League has everything under control. I'm here for something else." Batman answered. He then began type on the computer and a blonde man wearing a hockey mask appear on the corner appeared "According to the intel you've gathered, Sportsmaster has provided Kobra with the Blockbuster formula."

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