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~~~~~I do not own Young Justice~~~~~

An awful howling noise rang throughout the cave. I walked into the room to see Wally dressed as a werewolf in a Letterman jacket, howling next to a sleeping Wolf and Aurora. 

"Really? You're not gonna join in. What kind of k-9s are you?" the speedster said disappointedly. 

"Wally, stop tormenting him." Conner said while M'Gann continued to wrap him up in bandages. 

"Hold still please." said Martian stated as she continued.

"Megan stop torturing him. It's awkward for him anyway, being the third wheel on our date." Wally said as he walked between them and placed an arm on her shoulder. 

"Wally, I invited the entire team to the dance. Zatanna too." she informed as I walked into view. 

"Not to mention Conner and I go to that school too and that she also told you to invite your girlfriend remember?" I comment. 

"Old habits die hard." the speedster shrugged earning an eye roll from Conner. 

"You mean like how you'll be single again if you keep this up?" I smirked shutting him up as Conner smirked as well.

" ladies going as my favorite aliens?" he earned an eye roll from me. 

"Not exactly." we both said in unison. 

"Did you not notice what I'm wearing?" I twirled showing off my blue tattered dress. (Author's note: picture on the side imagine it is blue)

M'Gann stepped to the side and shape-shifted into a zombie bride complete with makeup. She growls making me laugh slightly. Both boys look at her in a way only boys could. 

"Whoa...babe eat my brains anytime." the werewolf costumed boy said speechless.

"Check out the rest of my costume." I say as I focus energy to shape-shift into my makeup. (Author's note: picture on the side) 

"Whoa...I hope you're the skeleton in my closet." I rolled my eyes with a sigh.

"I'm sad the dress was ruined though." the zombie bride clad girl pouted. I tried to hide the look on my face as I recalled how it got this way. 

"Oh yeah me too you worked so hard on it."


I was dodging jabs from my brother as we spared this morning as we talked. 

"I don't want to hurt feelings but the dress doesn't go with the whole skeleton costume thing." I vented grabbing his leg ready to toss it and him aside.

"And she chose your costume because you lost a bet with Robin?" Blaine clarified as he shot fire from his foot forcing me to release it to dodge. 

"How was I supposed to know I wouldn't be able to hear his butler walk?! He's the real ninja of the family." I landed and began to charge. 

"You make stupid bets. This time he did his homework." my brother chuckled as he blocked my punches.

"Back to the matter at hand. How do I make it work without hurting her feelings?" I focused my energy to changing my body's form to metal. 

"When is she bringing the dress?" I nailed him with a metal punch in the gut. 

"Any minute now. She went to the school to help decorate for the dance tonight and will pick it up from the home economics classroom." I moved in to pin him to the ground. 

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