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~~~~~I do not own Young Justice~~~~~

"No!" I shouted as I opened my eyes. Looking around I saw I was in my room. 'Just a nightmare' I thought as I got up and began my morning routine.

Just as I was about to begin my morning workout I expected to hear the usual knock from Conner. Or even from Kaldur who began joining us after somehow hearing the noise. Surprisingly, there was no sound.

Reason dawned on me as I recalled yesterday's training fiasco. Today was a day it would be best no one joined me anyway. I started going faster and harder than I normally do to relieve stress and anger that had build up. Once my time was up I took a quick shower feeling somewhat better. With a slight sigh I shape-shifted into my civilian attire and went to the kitchen.

Silence greeted me as I arrived. Initially I thought I was the first one awake, but saw everyone here. M'Gann was cooking to try to take her mind off of things. Kaldur was leaning against the wall. Robin sat on the couch. Wally and Artemis were sitting around depressed as well. As not to cause problems, I grabbed a piece of Navitian fruit and leaned against the counter.

The silence was almost deafening, as it began to let the thoughts I've been keeping at bay creep up. Taking a deep breath I moved to sit on the couch opposite Robin. Just as they tried to conquer me I felt weight on top of me. Looking up I made eye contact with Aurora who looked back with concern.

'Are you ok?' she thought to me through our bond. I shrugged in response knowing she could see right through it. 

'The nightmare's have started again.' I thought to her after a while. '

How long have they been going on?' 

'Not long.'

'Maybe you should tell Blaine.'

'No! He'll overreact as usual, then lock me away where he can keep an eye on me at all times.'

'I'm sorry it was just a suggestion.' 

'I just worry about you, and I hate seeing you hurt.' A hand shaking my shoulder brought me back to reality. Looking up I realized it was Kaldur. 

"Black Canary wishes to speak with you now." he stated. I nodded then looked back only to see him walking away. 'If he wants to avoid me then that's fine. I'm used to being alone.' I thought bitterly as I walked to the room Black Canary was in.

"Tylie have a seat." the Leaguer stated warmly. Shrugging I complied and sat down. 

"Why do I have to go through with this again?" I questioned irritated. 

"The League feels you all need to address what happened yesterday."

"So you're interrogating us to find out where we went wrong?" Interrogations I can handle. 

"No. Think of it as a way to talk about what happened yesterday to release any trauma you might have." the blonde answered.

"You're saying we have mental issues. Thanks for stating the obvious to me. I know I do, I've excepted it."

"That's not what I'm saying at all. If you feel that is true, why did you find a way to remove your mental shield and participate?"

"Simple. They're my teammates. What they do I do. I'm used to seeing comrades fall its part of training to becoming a warrior on Navitas."

"If you're used to it, why did you begin reacting when Kaldur perished?" I stopped to take breathe. 'Do I tell her the truth?' I questioned myself. "Nothing leaves this room. Anything you tell me will remain between us."

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