The Enemy of My Enemy

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"What is she doing here?" Artemis exclaimed. M'Gann, Mira and Claudia nodded. The later duo having heard of the incident from the rest of the team.

"She's the agent I had in the inside. The one who is going to help us save the guys. Right?" I replied as the girl in question nodded.

"But, she attacked your brother and Black Canary." M'Gann stated. 

"All part of the plan. The only one not in on it was her brother." Mummy Girl replied. 

"What are you talking about?" the blonde archer questioned. 


  "So what now?" Mummy Girl questioned. I didn't respond. I was processing everything that happened within the past day. Things were different now. Especially because Mummy Girl's heart was free of any darkness. 

We sat in silence for a few moments, neither of us sure where we go from here. We now were united in the same goal: stopping Black Rose. 'But she doesn't know that' 

"We take her down from the inside!" I thought out loud. 


"Its perfect. Black Rose only knows you were taken by the hunters but, she doesn't know you changed sides. If you were to return and say you escaped capture from us, you could report her plans to me and we can counter her every move and finally put an end to her plans."

"Are you sure she won't see right through me? I mean your team has done a good job of healing me."

"Yes how you are going to get past that detail?" Our eyes widened in shock as we turned to look at Black Canary. 'How'd we not hear her walk in?'

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked.

"Long enough to hear about your plan."

"Go ahead and tell us how stupid you think the plan is."

"Actually, its a good plan but, you need to sell it." the Leaguer said eyeing Mummy Girl. We were both in shock.

"How do I do that?" the girl questioned. 

"You attack us when we take you to a holding cell. This way the team will believe your betrayal and you can get bruised up enough to prove your escape. I'll have a communication device ready to pass to you so you can keep in touch with Masquerade." 'It's great plan'

"I have device small enough to conceal, but that will connect only to my cell phone. I'll keep you updated on her progress." I responded. The duo nodded. 

"I'm supposed to be conducting a few test on you but, I'll only do one quick check on your vital then you hand the device over to me and I'll give it to-"

"Mummy Girl."

"Right. I'll hand it over to Mummy Girl." the girl nodded. 


"Sounds like a great plan. As long as she's stopped I'll do what I can to help." Mummy Girl replied.

~~~End Flashback~~~

"You've been lying to us about information that could have stopped us from getting to this point!" Roy shouted at me. 

"So what? You have secrets. Everyone has secrets. If I told anyone else about this plan the infected guys would have heard about it. Mummy Girl would be dead and we'd have no way of knowing how to get in and save them. So stop living in the past and move on to the present where your best friend is being controlled by a psycho." I responded getting into his face. He glared at me and I glared back.

"Look, I know I'm the last person you'd ever work with, but I'm your only chance of getting out of there alive. You don't have to like me, just work with me." Mummy girl stated, breaking the tension between the archer and I. 

"You have the schematics?" She nodded and handed me a flash drive. 

"Here is the outline of the base." the building came into view on the holoscreen. "These lower levels are where they are being kept. At the top is where all her databases are. She is more than likely expecting you so they'll be stationed on each level." We nodded.

"The best way to approach this is by splitting up. You all know who your target is. When you see him, that's the level you'll be on. As for you two, I need you to download as much information from Black Rose's database. We need as much as possible to be ahead of her." I ordered stopping on the two red heads. "Get changed. We need to leave as soon as possible." I walked to my room.

'This is it' I thought as I grabbed a few items that would help my team. My friends. I would never forgive myself if I lost any of them...even Roy. I shifted my costume on. Before walking out I took one of the pills I used during the telepathic exercise. 'Now I'll be at my full strength' I met the rest of the team at the bio-ship. 

"What'cha got Masq?" Prisma questioned, noticing all the devices I was carrying. 

"I have something for the majority of you. Pris, Reflect, MG you three are good, go on in." The duo nodded as they boarded the ship. I turned to the others. "TF, take this. Its an anti-magnetism pill. This way even if MagneKnight gets your titanium, he won't be able to control you." I spoke handing the girl a small silver pill. She nodded and swallowed it as she boarded. 

"Miss Martian, this is a power amplifier. Put this on over your head and it'll let you not only focus your telekinesis but strengthen it as well." the girl took the metallic headpiece and walked onto the ship, placing it on her head.

"Zatanna, these are shield bands. Wear these and anytime something that could harm you is near, a barrier will form around you. Focus on your spells and let these do the rest." she nodded as she put on the two black bands on each arm.

"Roy, since Black Rose wants you dead take this. Its a density pill. It'll make your skin just as thick as mine. They'll try to stab you so in case you're slow, you'll still be alive." I gave him a smirk as I said the last part. He glared at me but, still ate the pill.

"Arty, wear this. Its a processor. When you wear them it will allow your eyes to see things at a rate you can comprehend. Also take a density pill. I don't want you getting careless. They may have given Wally weapons. They want you dead just as much as Roy." I could see both fear and understanding in the blonde's eyes. She nodded and we both boarded the ship.

I hope all of this will be enough. We know our objectives. I just hope everyone can do what is necessary...especially me.


Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, life has gotten the best of me and I wasn't able to write. I'll do my best to keep up with my schedule but, just know that if I don't I'll try to make it up to you guys. The next set of chapters will be the battle that I have been leading up to. I really hope you guys enjoy the way I write it for you. Anyway, have a great day and I'll see you next time!

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