Chapter 5 - A new acquaintance

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"....and then he told me that he loves me and will always be there for me!" She said and I sat on my bed listening to a line-by-line description of her latest date with Arnav.

Yes, here I am, sitting and listening to the girl I love talking about the guy she loves. Exactly, I love her, way more than Arnav maybe but can I tell her? No. She's happy with him and so I shall sit here and listen.

Listen to her voice...the voice that is so wonderful that I can't bear the thought of that voice saying that it loves someone that is not me.

"Aww. He's the perfect guy." I said, faking enuthsiasm. I looked up at the clock and was not at all surprised to see that we have been talking for half an hour and I am not even a tad bit bored.

"Yeah." She said and for some reason I sense a hint of resentment in her tone.

"Hey... What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing. I'm just really tired." She said. Well, maybe it was just wishful thinking. So I waited for her to say something but none of us did and the silence felt so soothing that I could just sit here all day with this silence.

"We should say something." She said.

"Ya. I'm paying you see."

She laughed and I felt a gush of pride for being the reason for it. See how much I love her? See? We kept talking for about another hour after which she got another call, from Arnav I guess. "Gotta go!" She said.

"Bye." I said on the phone. "I love you." I whispered as I heard the beep that signalled that the call was over.

The next morning, I dragged myself to the bus stop where I saw Trisha waiting for Arnav near that tree they always stand under. I waved to her and she smiled. She beckoned me towards her and I went. "What's up?" I asked.


"Uhuh." I said, not wanting to start another conversation about what an awesome boyfriend Arnav is.

Then I saw Arnav coming towards us and greetings were exchanged. I slowly sneaked out, really didn't want to be a third wheel.

I sat there reading the novel, 'Prisoner of Birth'. The protagonist had just entered the courtroom when our bus arrived in all its glory. Twenty minutes later we were in school and I walked towards our class.

We were 10 minutes into the first period when a girl walked in. I glanced at her once and continued noting down the questions about vector addition.

Then I heard a voice. I looked up, half expecting Trisha to be standing there but it was the new girl, with a voice almost like Trisha's. That was reason enough to garner my attention.

"Hey. I am Sonya and I hate introducing myself. Bubyee then." She said and started looking around for a seat. Since, the only people I know, Arnav and Trisha, sit together, I sit alone. So, for some weird reason I put my bag down and she sat with me.

This was weird because I am as social as an animal in hibernation. "So, hey." She said.

"Hm." I said. See? Animal in hibernation. "Well, you're quiet." She said again.

"Hey." I said as I started solving the questions. She took out her book and began solving too.

"You have a name?"



"Your name's very nice too." I said and she smiled in reply. She didn't talk for the entire period and the periods after that, until the recess. "Are you like dating someone?" She asked with a wink.

I grinned. "Nope."



"That's cool. Are you one of those guys who wait around for the perfect girl?"

"You could say so."

"So, have you found her?"

"I guess."

"The girl on the second bench?"

I choked on the water I was drinking. "No. Why would you think so?"

"Well, you looked at her like million times since this morning. You obviously can't get enough of her."

"So, what's her name?"

"Trisha." I said without thinking twice.

"Aha!" She said and grinned. I noticed Trisha looking at me and I turned and smiled at her. She got up and came up to my bench. "Hello, I'm Trisha." She said, introducing herself to Sonya.


"So, how is the first day so far?"

"Its okay. I have an awesome partner." Sonya said and I smiled.

"Yeah. He's adorable isn't he?" Trisha said ruffling up my hair. My heart did a victory dance and the grin froze on my lips.

Then she walked away and Sonya turned to me. "OMG! You are so smitten!"

I just got out my novel and continued reading. "Its an awesome book." Sonya said sitting beside me again.

"You've read it?" I asked, without looking up from the book.

"Yeah. I've read more than half of the books ever published."

She finally got my attention. "Wow! Hi5!" I said and she grinned.

"Would you mind showing me around?"

"Not at all." I said, getting up. We spent the rest of the recess roaming around the entire school.

"That was awesome! You have such a fabulous library!" She shrieked as we walked back to class.

"I know." I said. We finally reached the class and I noticed that Arnav and Trisha weren't in class. They entered five minutes later, holding hands. I felt something tighten in my chest and looked away.

"So, I'm assuming she doesn't know."

"Uhuh." I said, nodding.

"Why not?"

"Friendzoned. I'm her best friend."

"Ooh. You are on the throne of the zone!"

"Hey.. What about you? Dating anyone?"

"Not that I know of."


"Yes. Once. Was dating my best friend. We broke up and now its know...awkward."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

"I know."

The rest of the day we didn't breach the topic anymore. As we were walking out of the gate, I saw Trisha clicking pictures with Arnav. I couldn't bear to look any longer and continued walking even though I heard Trisha calling me.

That is the thing about love. It hurts unless the person loves you back because then it cushions the blow.

But in my case, there's no cushion. Instead there are thorns of the realization that she'll never truly be mine.

Friends forever?
What more could we ever be?

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