Newtmas - Iris

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Special thanks to Slinthead_Nicola for this song suggestion! I hope you like it ;)
Warning: May Be A Trigger!!! Please, don't read if it does effect you. But know I'm always here to talk if you'd like to talk to a stranger, it sometimes helps :)
Based on: Iris by Goo Goo Dolls.

3rd Person POV

Thomas took a deep breath.

This was it.

This was his chance. His chance at freedom.

Taking one last look at the beautiful, starry nights sky, he closed his eyes. This was finally it. One leap and he'll be free from this cruel world. Just one small leap of faith . . .

"STOP! Don't jump . . . " a voice shouted out, softening at the end. Thomas didn't move, keeping his eyes closed. He just waited.

"Please." The voice pleaded, this time sounding closer, "Don't do it."

"And why shouldn't I?" Thomas snarled, opening his eyes to glare at the intruder.

Stood there, right behind Thomas, was a gorgeous boy. He looked about a year or so older than him, with scruffy, blonde hair and lanky legs that made him slightly taller than he was.

He was in tight, black jeans and a closefitting, white top, along with a dark leather jacket and a pair of sunglasses propped on his head.

"Because . . . " the boy said, bringing Thomas out of his thoughts, "if you jump, I'll have to jump too. And I'm not ready to leave this world yet."

"Well nobody said you had to jump as well." Thomas retorted.

"But I did. How could I live with myself it I just stood and let somebody die, watching but doing nothing?"

Thomas thought for a moment before asking, "Why do you care so much? You don't even know me."

"But I want to know you." The boy spoke, moving closer. Thomas stayed silent.

The boy hesitantly placed a hand on Thomas' shoulder, causing him to flinch. But he didn't remove it.

When Thomas didn't make an effort to move or even reply, the boy stepped up onto the edge of the bride, standing besides him. Thomas watched curiously as he glanced down at the drop that awaited. He looked nervous.

"Come on then." He said, grabbing Thomas' hand. "What's it to be?"

Thomas stood there, considering his options.

He could jump, but he'd be ending an innocent life if he did. Or he could step down. But then what? Would the boy just walk away and leave him? Or will he stick to his words, and get to know him?

Thomas silently hoped for the last one, as he took a step back, his feet landing firmly on the solid ground again.

The boy smiled softly as he joined him, not letting go of his hand.

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