Newtmas - Over and Over

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Wow, so this song prompt has taken more than just 'a while'. I'm sorry :/ But it's here now! By the way, this is Part 2 to 'Dark Paradise' so if you haven't read that yet, PLEASE DO because last time I made a Part 2 for a different One-Shot I had some people that didn't read Part 1. If you haven't read Part 1 don't kick off with me; it's not my fault that you don't read what I've written!

Based on: Over and Over by Smallpools

Requested by: @NewtieWithDaBooty

3rd Person POV


Thomas stepped forwards, closer to the window that separated him from the blonde haired boy. His voice was small and fragile, his throat dry. Newt could only just hear him through the small crack of the open window.

"T-Tell me that it's really you." He slowly lifted up his left hand, pressing it firmly against the cold glass of the window. Newt's brown eyes followed his hand, emotions visibly swirling in the pools of his soul. "Please, Newt. Tell me I'm not dreaming."

Newt didn't reply but instead lifted his right hand up towards the window, placing it over Thomas'.


Newt slid into the red seat opposite Thomas, a smile plastered on his face.

"Hey, babe." Thomas greeted him. "How was class?"

"'Eh, it was alright." Came Newt's reply.

The boy reached out, pulling Thomas' milkshake closer to him and taking a sip from the straw. Thomas chuckled at his boyfriend, leaning back against the soft seat of the booth. As he did so, a tall, skinny girl with long, streaked blonde hair sauntered passed. She held a notepad in one hand and a black biro in the other. Noticing Thomas' casual gaze, she smiled, bringing herself over to the boys' table.

"Hi, my name's Bethany." she spoke, her voice as sweet and sickly as candy. "Can I get you guys anything?" she smirked at Thomas as she said that, sending a sly wink in his direction. Thomas smiled back at her, though not with the same intentions as the girl. Newt simply scoffed, rolling his eyes as he pushed Thomas' milkshake back across the table.

"I think we're alright, thanks." Newt said dryly.

Thomas looked over at his boyfriend, seeing the obvious jealousy in his brown eyes. A tiny smirk slid onto his lips as he turned away to look at Bethany again.

"Sorry, ignore my friend over here; he's always an ass." Thomas laughed, smiling sweetly at the waitress.

"Oh, I'm an arse now am I?" Newt spoke, his voice raising the tiniest bit. He scoffed again, glaring at Thomas.

"What can I say, you are what you eat."

A minute later, Newt burst out laughing, biting his bottom lip in an attempt to stop himself. The waitress stood there, slightly confused.

"We're good." Thomas finally told her. Nodding she walked over to the next table.

Throughout the rest of the boys' stay at the local milkshake bar, they laughed and talked about their day, sharing amusing stories. The waitress continued with her job, occasionally staring at Thomas, though he pretended not to notice.

As they went to pay for their drink, she was at the till. She smiled at Thomas as he stood in front of her, Newt close to his side.

"We meet again." Thomas smirked, sending a sideways glance to Newt.

"So we do," she replied, typing something into the till. "That'll be £1.90, please." Thomas nodded, handing her the money. When their hands met, she slipped a small piece of paper into his hand. "Call me."

Dylmas/Newtmas One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now