Chapter 15

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"How much do you love your daughter?" Matthew asked. We were in the library just after we had dinner. I don't know what he means by asking me that. 

He seemed annoyed with my late response. "I said how much do you love Sabina? How far can you go?"

Is this a continuation of our pool encounter? Will he insist there's ulterior motive in getting in touch with Sabina. Oh, not again. "Anything, everything I can just to have my daughter. I don't want to loose her again" I answered. I look him in the eyes for him to see my sincerity in what I've said.

"Then, marry me"

Did I hear him right? He's asking me to marry him! What is this some sort of a joke? Was he toying her? "Ummm...marry you?" I repeated.

"Don't get me wrong. I am not asking you to marry me because I love you. I'm doing this for Sabina." He snapped at me. His facial expression was every inch serious. 

"I've talked to Atty. Monde.." he was referring to the family legal counsel. "This is about the custody claims of Brandon to which sooner or later he would still pursue."

This time, he stood and paced in front of me. I was looking at him upward since I was seated. I listened as he explained the chances of winning on such upcoming court battle. Though there isn't case filed at the moment, Brandon does not easily waive his custody right. He pointed the ground of me being an unfit mother to snatch Sabina from me. Unless, I could convince the jury I am otherwise, that is by having a good family of my own.

"And I am the perfect candidate to be your good husband. Like you, I love Sabina and I don't want also to lose her."

Am I hearing this straight from the man who despised me much and yet willing to marry me for my daughter's sake? Do I have the right to question his motive? Though on one side, he's very correct. He is the perfect husband for me and my daughter. Gosh, the offer was so tempting.

"Aren't you suppose to say something?" he grabbed me in the arms and now we're facing one another." As if you don't like the idea. It's so insulting that here I am volunteering myself for such idiotic idea and yet you can't even say a word."

He went back to his seat again. His eyes were still at me but I can see his anger. " Unless you really don't want to take custody of your child. If that is the case, there's no point of talking all of this!"

"No..No... Not like that." I was alarmed by his resignation on the idea of fighting for our custody right over Sabina. "I was just worried about you. I know marrying me will be of too much burden to you. You're willing to do that for my daughter?"

I saw relief in his eyes. 

"Why not? Besides Sabina is a family to me. My mom used to tell me if the'll be gone, she wanted me to take care of Sabina. And I promised her that to which I intend to keep."

"For my daughter, I will marry you Matt." 

He nodded. From his drawer, he pulled some documents. I guess he did expect me to agree on such proposition that he'd prepared everything beforehand. 

"One more thing, you need to sign all these", Matthew slid open the folders for me to read and sign.

The first document is a pre-nuptial agreement. She will not have a conjugal right over Matthew's properties. The second document was a waiver signifying that Matthew will remain the legal guardian of Sabina and that he is the sole administrator of Sabina's trust funds and properties.

I signed the documents without any question. I don't care about anything for as long as my daughter is with me. I hand him over the documents after signing in.

"Alright then, go to this place. I already made arrangements with them." It's a calling card of a wedding coordinator.

This is it. I am marrying my daughter's guardian!


Whooaaahhh... not the typical marriage proposal. But for Sabina's sake, it's a go. Don't you agree?

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