The Beginning

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~DipStick's POV~

I was reading through the journal, for what seemed like the millionth time as I strolled through the forest. Knowing the forest well enough I hardly had to look up. A familiar feeling was trained on me though.  I was being watched.

I whirled around to see, just in time, a flash of yellow disappear. A scowl dusted my pale face, and I ran. I needed to get out of that forest before that triangle got a hold of me. I slowed, my heart racing and my lungs screaming for air. I exited the forest, glancing over my shoulder worriedly. That triangle was back, after four years.

He was back. And that was bad news for the pine twins. Wasn't it? What was even worse; Was that Dipper, not watching where he was going, bumped into a thing, which, just so happened to be a person, which, just do happened to be; Bill, that damn triangle. Bill giggled at the impact, and stepped back a bit. No. He's a triangle. He couldn't have become a damn human!

This was impossible. There in front of him was standing a human Bill Cipher. But. How?

~Spectator POV~

Bill laughed like a maniac and bent down, his black trench coat slipping to his side,''You alright there PineTree?!''He asked in his high-pitched voice. Dipper replied with a stern,''Go away Bill!'' After snapping out of his trance, his cheeks were heated up due to observing the male. 

Bill currently, was a blonde male, of course, a pale black trench coat with brick designs towards the bottom. What looked like the universe was beneath the surface. He wore a tan button up beneath a yellow vest and his bow tie rested over his vest. His top-hat adorned his head. An eye patch covered a single eye.

Dipper growled, shaking his head and glaring as Bill didn't answer the question. But didn't repeat himself, instead asking a different question,''Who'd you trick into being a vessel THIS time?''He yelled, Bill replied a cheerful,''Some teenager, I believe he went by the name of... John... Yeah... John!'' He cheered, still standing in front of the teen, whom was still sitting and glaring.

A high-pitched,''Dipper~'' Sounded, making Bill jump up,''There' my cue, gotta go PineTree~ Buh bye!'' he giggled quietly, disappearing right as Mabel rounded the corner of the mystery shack. Squealing,''Dipper Dipper Dipper! Guess what?!'' He stood up, a low groan sounding from him,''What, Mabel?''He asked. Gripping the journal harshly.

Mabel giggled,''I made a new sweater!'' She hollered, holding up a blue sweater, it was plain to say the least, but it also had some stripes on it. She grabbed his arm, pulling Dipper up and running to the mystery Shack, Dipper hollering at her to 'slow down'. The evil Dorito meanwhile was watching them, Walking behind them, invisible to the naked eye.

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