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~Spectator POV~

Dipper was pacing his room; Mabel had her own room now. And Dipper had taken the 'secret' room that they'd found. He plopped down on his bed, flipping through the journal. It actually calmed him down.

[Timeskip provided by Le Doctor]

About an hour later, something scratched wildly at his door. He stood up, groaning and opening it, letting in a German Shepard, whom fell onto him, knocking them both over,''Oh get off Chipper!''He wailed at the male dog, who barked, jumping up and licked his face. |Yes, I am indeed adding in a dog.|[Edit; I changed the dog's name.]

The dog barked again, hopping towards his bed and sitting down happily, staring. Dipper sighed, pushing himself off the floor and then walking to his bed, sitting down and grabbing the book again, and started to read it. The dog laid it's head on his lap, resting quietly now. Mabel burst into his room,''BRO BRO! Have you seen- Oh!'' She cheered, pointing at Solace,''There he is!'' She yelled,''I found you!'' She hollered, Solace jumped up, barking and running away.

As Mabel ran in pursuit, Dipper's eye twitched and he grumbled,''Really?'' and looked back down at his book. Humming happily now, he tilted his head at the book and stuck out his tongue in concentration. 

A little later, he heard a quiet giggle. A high pitched distorted one, to be exact, he slammed the journal shut and hugged it into his body, scowling. Shuffling into the corner and glaring around. Damn triangle!

Bill appeared in front of the door, closing it softly and staring,''Hi PineTree!'' He chirped happily as if they were old pals. But Dipstick wasn't buying it, he scowled and snapped,''Bill! Get out of my room!''He yelled, going tense, and scowling. Bill whined, stalking up and bending down,''But why?''He whined, reaching up and ruffling his hair, which Dipper roughly slapped his hand away.

Bill scowled, and growled|I RHYME!|''Yeesh kid~ I haven't tried to kill yah' yet!''He huffed, backing up and glaring, crossing his arms. Dipper replied by crossing his own arms over the book.

Dipper yelled soon after,''But you took over my body! You tried to even enslave and capture humanity! You're a demon!''He ranted, and Bill rolled his eyes,''Old news kid! I haven't tried in four years~''He purred happily, grinning, Dipper hollered,''YOU STOLE A DIFFERENT KID'S BODY!''

Bill giggled,''He wanted to make a deal; And we made it. I told him everything in return!'' He cheered,''He was actually WILLING~'' He stuck out his tongue, and bent down, hands on his knees and smirking sadistically.

Dipper couldn't help but stare and observe him quietly. He clutched onto the book after a while and looked away. Growling angrily. His shoulders slumping. He didn't have anything to say to THAT.

With that in place, and a wave and a mocking,''Bye Pinetree~''Bill disappeared, teleported somewhere else.

Dipper stared where he once was and then looked down, huffing angrily and closing his eyes. Huddling into the corner and laying his head on the wall before checking the time. Groaning and falling down tiredly. He just wanted to sleep now.

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