I Give!

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     Dipper had given up on yelling at Bill, sometimes even giving a snort of amusement at his lame jokes. Though Bill always hid from Mabel, Stan, or even Soos. He went to even more extreme heights hiding from Solace. He'd sometimes even pretend to be someone else. Changing clothes and dying his hair. 

     He'd flip at jokes about him being annoying, and then disappear for an hour. 

     And you know what? Dipper kind of liked his company, he could crack the lamest jokes and Bill would chuckle just a bit. Which made him kind of happy. 

     Right then, Dipper was sitting on his bed, reading, and waiting for the 'annoying' Dorito to arrive. After a bit Bill was leaning on DipStick's arm, and reading aloud,''I love thou' she yelled at the lather.'' He started laughing as soon as the younger slammed the book shut.

    ''Shut up Bill!'' He snapped, glaring. He sighed,''Great, I lost my page you jerk!''

    ''Whatever, you love me,'' Bill stood up pointing his cane at Dipper. Dipper glared,'Yeah so?' he thought, before freezing,'BAD MIND' Bill began laughing,''You're hysterical Pine-Tree! Wait.'' He paused, eyeing the male.

   Dipper yelled,''Nothing!'' and ran out of the room leaving Bill to stand there and stare.

    A cheeky smirk appeared on his face, and he snapped his fingers, his cane disappeared and instead of a tail coat, a yellow sweater vest with a white button up was his clothing,''Hey wait up Pinetree~'' He sang song and ran after him. 

   Mabel pushed herself to the wall, yelping as Bill ran down the stairs, yelling,''Who is this person?!'' She cried, and stared after him. Before shrugging and walking away. All chill now.


[YAAAY. Finally. I had the first part for like, weeks, and never got to it because Writers Block, and so. *Shrug* Anyways. Ill be uploading a Christmas special soon! No, it does not affect the story at ALL!]

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