Chapter 2

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Once i got over the fact that he was back, I tried to be inconspicuous and just sneak to the main building, my bag feel to the ground making the loudest sound ever,or so I thought. That really even scared me come to think of it.

"Raylen is that you? You have changed since last I saw you. How have you been?"

Gosh darn it he saw me,do I really need/want to speak to this guy... the more I thought, the more my expression changed. So instead of just walking away and ignoring him,I turned around and spoke to him and began to answer his questions.

"Hey there J, it's me. You do remember that the last time you saw me was about 10 months ago right. Just to answer your last question,I have been doing just fine,thanks for asking."

As I turned to walk away from him, I noticed that someone else was in the car. So instead of walking to the building, I walked to see who was inside of his car.
"Raylen" ,a nice little voice called out to me.
As soon as I remembered who that high voice belonged to I instantly said her name.

Brandy is my besssst,most bestest friend ever,but the last time we had talks was about a year ago.
"Ray Ray have you seen The twins during the summer?" I smiled the biggest smile ever and nodded on the opposite direction that she was looking in and said

"Speaking of the little deamons"
See the twins were like two of the most awesome people I've ever met. They always matched, they always wore the something new and they both really had those sweet little faces. You know, the faces that made you think that they were the perfect children. Ha! there the best actors ever.

But I really missed them over the summer, all of them.
The first bell rang signaling us to go to first block class. I was so ready to start class till when I walked in, I saw who all took the class with me. Turns out I take first class Brittany,Robert,Jason(the schools anus),and the cutest senior
ever ,His name is Mitch Brown ,he has the cutest brown hair and brown eyes. Total wow factor.

I know its short but im knew at this.

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