chapter 6

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We make it back to the room to find the twins arguing about which movie to watch.

"I want to watch Hunger Games!"
"And I want to watch The Maze Runner, Jake!"
They both stop their bickering when they notice that we have walked back into the room. "What took you two so long?" They both ask at the same time.
"We cant decide so we are going to have to take a vote on it." "Fine by me jake."
"Okay,so all in favor for Mocking jay part.1 raise your hand." Instantly me amd Jasmine raise our hands which left out Brandy and Jake.

"What are you guys fighting about now?"
We all stop arguing about the movie to see who was at the door. "Bubby,come help us decide on a movie."
"And why would I do that?" "Because im your little sister and its a draw." For some odd reason he looked over at me and asked his next question.
"What are the options?"
"Its between Hunger games and The Maze Runner." I say looking down. He takes a while to think about what he wants to pick before asking who wants to watch what and Jake tells him the two sides. "I think ill go with Hubger Games." He says while looking at me and giving me a wink. I instantly blush and hold my head down.

We put the movie in and all get cozy in our spots. Me and Jason pick the floor while jake and Brandy get the bed with jasmine.
Half way through the movie we all get blankets to share. No surprise when I have to share with Jason and Jasmine got her own. I began to get under the covers with him when I feel a hand on my thigh. He starts rubbing circles on my thigh untill I move his hand and get under the covers
Finnaly the end credits come on and just about everyone there was asleep except me and yours truely. I figure I wont be going home tonight so I pull. Out my phone and text my mother .

Me:hey mom can I just stay here tonight,everyone is asleep?
Mommy: sure honey just be hone tomorrow for diner okay.
Me: okay,goodnight.
Mommy:good night ray.

"So can you stay?" "Yea I can." He begans to smile and stands up. "Come with me." I stand up taking his hand and following him down stairs to his room. I can't really wrap my head around how good he looks now,i'm snapped out of my thoughts about his body when suddenly his hands were now on my wrist and he was shuting the door with his foot. "Ray kiss me." And he pulls me closer to his body and I do as he askes and began kissing him. Our kiss was slow and tender,felt with so much care and passion that I couldn't help but moan when he pulled away. He let go of me and walked over to his door locking it and coming back with a smirk on his face. "Now no one can walk in on us." He sat on his bed waiting for me to join him and sit down. When I start to walk near him I knew where this was going yet I didn't


I climb on his lap facing him and instantly he reconnects our lips. "Ray,I miss you." Is the last thing he says before we are both shirtless. I began to rock my hips back and forth feeling him harden under me. The way he felt had me getting more and more excited just with the thought. When suddenly he rolls us over and takes off his pants. I slowly look down and see that he was fully undressed and large. I start to pull down my skirt when he stops me and lifts it up. He pulls my panties to the side and and begans to shove in one finger at a time slowly pushing them in and out. He took his fingers oit after hearing me moan for more. "Are you sure you want this?" I couldn't say anything so I just nod my head quickly causeing him to chuckel hearing his little laugh made me bite down on my bottom lip. He waists no time lining himself up and then shoving himself in me causing me to moan out in pleasure. I flip us over so that now i'm on top of him and I began to bounce on his legnth. Doing that always brought us both pleasure. Aparently I remembered correctly because he started to moan my name and grabbed my waist holdin me in place. He started to go faster and harder. "Fuck,Ray fuck." He was so loud that I had to put my hand over his mouth to muffel his moans and bite my lips to keep quite myself. I began to climb off which made him look at me with confusion. "Ray what .." I placed my hand back over his mouth telling him just to enjoy. I go down a began to stroke his legnth making him arch his back in pleasure. Right in that moment I place him in my mouth and began bobbing my head up and down. "Ray,im about to cum!" Right then I take him out of my mouth and continue stroking him alowing him to climax on my hand. I release him and began to lay diwn beside him when he climbs on top of me ,"its my turn now." He then pills off my skirt and starts pleasuring me until i finally release on his mouth. He only licks his lips and lays beside me.

"I think I might love you Ray."

Long I know,but dont forget to vote comment and share.★

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