chapter 11

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Jessica's POV

Normally,I would only write in Raylen's POV, but today I figured that I should do something a little different. So here goes.

"Wake up you two, we have to get to the airport! Mom, dad get up, we only have a hour left before the planes leaves, now get up." Today me, my mom, and my dad are going to see my grandparents. Under normal circumstances, Ray-Ray would be coming with us too, but she decided to stay here with her friends while they go through their little family problem. I'm glad they have get to help them during this time.

Sure I may be young but I still understand what's going in over there.I was nine when their mom was killed by their dad, even then she was there for them, so her being there with them now is totally understandable. I just hope that grammy and poppa feel the same way.

"Jessica are you even ready to go young lady?" My dad ask, his voice still full of sleep.“Why of course dad, are you?" “We both are honey", my mom chimes in,“go get your clothes on and we'll do the same okay." “Cool, I'll be down stairs when you guys get ready." I say and walk to my room.


About thirty minutes later we were loading our plane to Alabama. Five minutes later the intercom comes on projecting the pilots voice."Attention all passengers, we will be taking off in about three minutes. Please sit back and enjoy the fight, the fight attendants will be around to help you with any thing that will make you're fight more accommodating.Thank you for flying with us." And with that he hangs up the intercom.

I reach my arm up and press the call button for the flight attendant's attention. “Hey there sweat heart, what can I get you?

For a moment I'm a little distracted by how amazing he looks in his uniform,I vegan to examine his body but get pulled out of my trance by him clearing his throat. “What can I get you?" “Can I have a pillow for my neck?" “Sure, I'll be right back with that for you." I can tell that this flight its going to be just perfect.

How was that for Jessica's POV.Hope you guys enjoyed it.And yes, this chapter is short, that's only because I really couldn't think of anything for her.

Vote if you guys feel that she needs another chapter to herself.

As always don't forget to vote, comment, and share.

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