chapter 8

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"So babe,I've been thinking about our future together. Mostly,I just think about us being together for a long time. So, Raylen Denise Smith,will you do me the honors of being my wife?"


My sweet and beautiful dream, was abrubtly cut off by the constant beeping if my alarm clock that sits on my nightstand beside my bed. The past couple of weeks have been totally blissful. Robert is starting to really show his true feelings towards me and im seriously loving it. He's been by my mothers house a few times after school,she still hasn't come around to the idea of us being back together,but she still lets him come over. Well sometimes. Other times shes yelling at me about having him over too mich on school nights, but I decide not to pay her screaming too much attention after the first 30 minutes.
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I get out of bed and look at my clock to check the time,"Shit,its already seven thirty." Instantly I run to the bathroom brysh my teeth and was my face. Then once in done with that I run to my room and get dressed. I choose to wear my black t shirt with a flannel and. my new stone washed jeans and my black combat boots." Wow, I really can look good in anything I put on." I think to myself as I brush out my hair. As I take one final glance at the time I see that it is now 8:16, and im going to be late if I dont leave right now. So I rush out of the house and speed the entire way to school. "Great,now im rushing to get school."


School today went on as usual,boring. So ni surprise there. My only surprise was that my boyfriend didn't show up. Sure I shouldn't really be so worried about him not being here but I am. He didn't evwn tell me that I wouldn't be seeing him at school this morning when we spoke. Oh well,I guess i'll see him after.

I know it might not be that long, but its a filler chapter. Thanks for reading.

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