Chapter 7

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The next morning i wake up to find us  still undressed and still cudled up together in the blankets. I get up and get dressed in my clothes from the previous day before going to Brandy's room.
I go to her room and find it completely empty. So I decide to go down stairs and see if maybe they're in the kitchen;and to my dismay it to is empty. I figure they must have all left out for school this morning so I head back to Jason's room.
As I walk inth jasons room I notice him in the bed still asleep,but he's tossing and turning all over the bed while reaching out for me. I slowly walk back over to his bed and climb in trying not to wake him from his sleep. Reaching out for me this last time he finally connects with my arm pulling me down beside him. Feeling him hold me so tightly causes me to smile(dispite the fact that its hurting my sides). Slowly I drift back off to sleep in his arms.
"Ray,oh Raylen" I hear my name being called messing up my peaceful sleep. "Hmm", I grumble as I swat at the hand shaking me."Sweaty wake up.......come on and just wake up." Finally I give in to the pestering voice in my ear and open my eyes only to find a beautiful big ones stairing back at me. "Hi",he says before placing a small kiss on my head,"how did you sleep?" "I slept good, what about you?" I ask gaining a large smile from him which causes me to smile as well. "I slept wonderful knowing that you were in my arms" he bluntly states replacing his innocent smile with a cocky smirk. He slowly leans in to give me a kiss but is called to a hault when my phone begans to ring. The caller id flashing accross the screen indicating that it was my bestfriend. I quickly answer and send him a smakl smile of apology.


Brandy:why didn't you come to school today young lady?!

Me: because you left me this morning remember.

Brandy: so what,Jason has a car you could have made it here on time for 2nd block.

I take a minute to look at the time to find that its only 12:44,meaning there just starting lunch.

Me: honestly I didn't want to come today. Hey could you do me a solid and go get my work from my teachers,Please.

Brandy:you should have told me that you didn't want to come today I would have stayed hone wuth ypu today.

Me: its cool your brother is here with me.

Brandy: you guys better not ne getting nasty right now. Oh and I can ho get your work just yext me the nane of your teachers.

Me:shut up. And okay I will. See you when you get back to the house okay.

Brandy:okay fine.

We both hang up the phone after saying our goodbyes and I lay right back down snuggling into Jasons chest wich earns a laugh from him."Ray,get up I want to take you out to lunch. So go get ready." "Do I have to?" "If you want to eat you do." I began to sit up to get out if the bed so that I could go brush my teeth and wash my face,he stops me and begans kissing me. This kiss we share now isn't like the ome from last night this one is felt with love not lust. Finnally we pull away from each other so that we could catch a breath and I take that as my chance to get out of bed.

What am I going to do with this boy?

Sorry I took so long to update it, but I have been a little busy with school. Hope you guys like it.

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