Chapter 14

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During the ride I had really gotten irritated with how little Jason has been paying attention to me, and everyone/everything else. So when we pulled into my drive way I unbuckled my seat belt and turned towards him.

"Jason what's going on? Lately you've been acting a little distant and I don't like that , so can you please talk to me."  For some odd reason I'm nervous about asking him so I just look down at my hand and begin playing with my fingers. "Sweetie I'm fine just a lot on my mind, I'm sorry if u feel like I haven't been paying you any attention." If this was any other time when he would have apologized to me for any reason he would be looking directly into my eyes while he did so; but tonight he didn't do that , he just stared out the window at my house. "Look at me, what is going on with you. I'm here to listen so just talk to me." Still bigot nothing, he just shook his head at me tightening his grip on the wheel. "Jason, please." Still more nothing. So decided to sit there a little longer watching him flex his fingers. Suddenly my phone rang, cutting through the  silence of  night. The caller I'd said that it was my parents so I figured they know I'm home.

Hey mom,  what's up?

I was calling to let you know that while you guys were out tonight , Jacob called us. He made a little small talk about Amillia

That's nice mom but what does that have to do with me?

He said something at the end of our conversation that caught my attention before he hung up.

Which was what?

He said something about "my little bunny always comes home..." I guess he didn't want me to hear him say that because right after he hung up the phone.

When did you guys get off of the phone mom?

About 15 minutes ago why?

I'll call you back mom.

Normal people wouldn't overreact about a old drunk man talking about a bunny but we aren't normal. If he really said something about a bunny then that means that he's home with Brandy right now, also I'm only panicking about it because that was the nickname he gave her when she was a little girl. We don't use it any more because of the bad memories of what he did  to her when no one was around.

"Jason we need to get to your house like right now." I said to him in a half scream. I guess the fear in my voice and face must have caught his attention because he finally showed an emotions while alone with me. "Babe, what wrong? Are you okay?" "Jason,  it might be Brandy now drive to your house now ." Saying that he snapped into motion throwing his car into reverse and speeding off down the road. Under normal circumstances it would gave taken us 20 minutes to get to his house, but tonight it took us a solid 5.

We rush up to the door and unlock it only finding Brandy and Steffens asleep on the couch with Meet the Blacks still playing on the TV. Jason goes off through the house searching every room looking for Jacob and coming up empty. I take that time to wake the two of them from what looks like the cutest little nap ever.

"Brandy, where is Jacob, are you ok?"
"I don't know where he is, he was gone when we got in a little while ago." She says while rubbing her eyes and shaking Steffen.
"My mom called me when I was outside and told me he had called her tonight and said something about "his bunny coming home.""

"Really, are you sure that'd what she said. I don't want your mom getting into this right now Ray." She said in a strained voice like she was holing in tears. I couldn't even speak so I just nodded. I tried to blink away my tears but they had plans of their own and one rolled down my cheek. I had completely forgotten about Steffens being in the room so when he stood up and wrapped his arms around Brandy I was ready to punch him in the nose.

"Are you guys okay," he asked looking at me then at her,"Brandy baby why are you two crying?"
"Its nothing you should worry about, but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave now." Jason said stepping up behind me. They exchanged nods and he strode off towards the front door saying his goodbyes to Brandy.

  After hours of staying up and making sure everyone was safe in the house and locking all the windows and doors, I decided to phone my mom and let her know that I'd be home in the morning and not to worry. But I found a text to be more soothing than hearing her yell at me. It was now going on 1 o'clock , and I heard knocking on the front door. I figured it was only Jacob so I walked over to the door and grabbed the baseball bat and opened the door. But instead of finding a man with alcohol breath. I saw something worse.

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